Don't Get Me Wrong

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"Do you even know her?" Camila questions, obviously agitated if the tapping of her foot and the way she is tugging at her fingers is any sign.

"Uh... kind of." I utter. I've just got finished telling her about Emilie's offer, though she doesn't seem all too pleased by it.

"Kind of? So you've fucked her, then?"

"Camila, it's not like that-"

"Don't tell me what this is and isn't like, Y/n. A girl you've already had sex with is now asking to publicly pretend to be your girlfriend. Don't you see what she's saying?"

With a sigh, I turn my attention to the tv screen, shaking my head subtly. If she didn't want to do this, she could've just said no.

"I mean, seriously!" She continues, tone rising with every word, "This is ridiculous! Was she really that good to fuck?"

"Babe, please-" I try, turning back to her.

Instead of complying with my interrupted plea, she stands and begins taking dirtied plates into the kitchen, still speaking all the way.

"Fine. Do it. I don't give a shit, anyway. You can do whatever you want."

"Babe!" I call while following after her, watching as she roughly shoves the pile of dishes onto the side before taking one off of the top and begins to clean it, "I love you, okay? I don't love anybody else. There's nobody else I'd rather be with. But what we're doing is dangerous. You're my teacher, for fuck's sake. You could go to prison, or at least get banned from teaching ever again. You and I both know that neither of us wants that." She pauses, and I add, "I can't lose you."

After taking a deep breath, she turns to face me, and it's then that I notice the tears threatening to stain her cheeks. Within a second, I'm on her side of the kitchen, her hands held in mine.

"I don't want to have to see you with anyone else. I don't want to even hear about that. You know how jealous I get. I don't even mean to, it just-"

"I know. It's okay." I reassure her, accepting her embrace when she pushes herself against me. My arms wrap tightly around her waist while hers do the same to my upper back. "If you really don't want me to, I won't. I just can't think of anything else that'll save you; save us. I love you."

"I love you too, darling." She sighs, "It's just tough for me. After what happened with Alessandro, I just... I do trust you, don't get me wrong, but..."

"You don't have to explain yourself. I get it." I whisper.

She sniffs, nods, and shifts in my arms before planting her lips against mine.

"Movie and ice cream?" I ask once she pulls away, watching as a tiny giggle bubbles from within her, making me grin.

"Movie and ice cream." She confirms, bargaining, "And cuddles?"

"Deal." I agree, holding out my hand to shake on it. She laughs before doing so, and I consider my job done when she then leads me by that hand to the sofa, stopping off for ice cream and spoons along the way, and lays herself down with myself beside her.

Once both bowls have been emptied, I turn to running a hand up and down her heated stomach, sometimes venturing a little higher but never pushing it. The feeling of her smooth skin beneath my mindlessly moving fingertips relaxes us both, and she lets out a sigh as she turns onto her side and presses her back against my front.

"Hey," I whisper, giving a soft kiss to her ear before continuing, "You're gorgeous."

She chuckles while blushing and brings her hand down to interlock her fingers with mine.

"So are you." She returns, bringing our now joined hands up to kiss (making me melt) before letting them fall back to their previous position, resting on her torso.

With a contently drawn-out sigh, she gives up entirely on watching whatever movie she'd picked and closes her eyes softly, shifting until she's comfy. After a kiss to her temple, I do the same, uncaring that we're precariously laying on the sofa.

Yes, Ms. Cabello. (Camila x You)Where stories live. Discover now