Chapter 44: A Whole New WHOLE NEW World

Start from the beginning

The Arabian was caught of guard. "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Hold up. The...that magician you cheered on. That...uh, that Arab dude. Al... Aladdin?"

"Yes. What happened, you know him?"

For a second, the blonde's face eased as she placed the phone back against her earlobe. "Hey, Snow, text me you guys' location. Something is definitely about to go down." Then she put the phone down and smiled.

In that smile though, Jasmine could see some pity.
What the hell was this?

"Hi. I'm Cinderella. You can call me Cindy, though. Or Ella, or Cind. Which ever toots your horn."

"You're scaring me, is something wrong now?"

Immediately, Cinderella's phone beeped. She looked at the screen then back up.

"Do you want to walk with me? Down to girl's bathroom near the gym?"

Jasmine kept a very, very quizzical face. "Now, you are really scaring me. Is something wrong? Did something happen to Al?"

"No. No. I don't think so. But we need to talk."

* * *

Jasmine set down her bag on the sink of the Girls' bathroom, feeling even more weirded out that the Cinderella girl just stood at a corner, watching, with a hint of both fear and excitement.

Now, she'd regretted following this psycho down here for nothing.

"Listen, er...Cindy? Look, I think I should get-"

The door suddenly burst open. Snow rushed in, looking frazzled.
Once her eyes landed on Jasmine, she let out a short gasp, then back at Cinderella.

"Jasmine?" Snow called out her name like she couldn't believe it. But she wasn't talking to Jas, she was talking to Cinderella. "Oh no. What did you do, Cind? They're right there."
Snow didn't show any hand gestures but the way her eyes widened and slit, she was definitely referring to a direction.

"Snow. What is going on here?" Jasmine crossed her arms, her mood finally going sour.

Rather than focus on who was asking the question, Snow's annoyed glare was on Cinderella. "Why did you-"

That was all Jasmine could hear before another sound took over.

Other sounds.

She could hear something faint from behind the 150mm thick wall partitioning the girls' from the boys' lavatory.

"What is that?" She questioned quietly. Maybe both friends could hear neither her nor the sounds because one was basically wrapped in unwanted guilt and the other kept the questions coming.

Jasmine slowly and carefully inched closer to the wall, silently hoping or praying the sounds weren't what she thought they were.

But as she pressed her ear expertly on her side of the wall, she could hear it loud and clear.

Moaning. Pleasurable moaning.

Good Allah, someone was out there getting it on.
In the Boys' bathroom?!

No way! These freshmen had no shame.

In the daytime?

Jasmine would have recoiled quickly in disgust and giddiness, had the voice of one of them not rang out.

"....oh. My. God!.... oh wow. Fuuuuuuuuuck......"

Something tightened in Jasmine's throat.

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