"I know, but that was to help, right?" He said.

"Mhm." Jungkook hummed, rubbing his nose.

"You just have to keep you're strong face on for a little while longer, kook. Just stick to me." Namjoon said, getting a nod in return.

It was 11 o'clock when the group arrived at the hospital, and shockingly, it was quite busy. People bustled around the lobby, janitors were cleaning the floors, and nurses were talking to one another way too loudly. The boys all slid their masks over their faces and pulled their hats down if the had one. Jimin and Namjoon kept their masks on their chins, to seem less intimidating. Namjoon hurried over to the check in counter with a beanie head Jungkook clinging to his arm.

"Excuse me, we're here to check on our friend. He was checked in earlier tonight. Kim Soekjin." Namjoon said politely. The nurse looked up at up, seeming bothered and unamused.

"Sir, it's past visiting hours. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She said with barely and sympathy.

Jungkook's strong face broke when those words reached his ears. A long whine from the back of his throat followed by a sob sent Namjoon into angry mode. He wanted to keep cool and respectful, but Jungkook was a mess, everyone was exhausted, anxious and overwhelmed. All they wanted to see Jin and make sure he was going to be okay. Namjoon thought about pulling the "We are bts. A worldwide sensation. Let us see Jin!" Move, but decided against it.

He sighed through his nose. "We have had one of the most stressful nights of our lives. Our hotel is thirty minutes away, and we have been up since five am. Please, let us see him, get updated on his condition and we will leave." Namjoon said, trying to control his temper as Jungkook cried into Taehyungs shoulder.

"Well sir, I have been sitting in this office all day. I get to leave now." She said pointing to herself. "You are not allowed to see your friend. Now please, leave." She said bluntly, throwing on her jacket and picking up her purse.

Yoongi broke, silently. Tears streamed down his pink cheeks, dampening his face mask. He fidgeted anxiously with his hands, trying to bottle his emotions inside in order not to draw attention to himself. All he needed was his Hyung.

"Fine! Go home! Leave us here to wait without a word about how our Hyung is doing! Leave us to ponder over if he's alive or dead! Leave us here to sit anxiously all night long!" He said loudly, throwing his hands up and taking a step back. Jimin grabbed his arm to calm him down before he smacked someone. Namjoon wasn't a fun guy to be around when he was over tired. And that side of him was glowing right then.

"Namjoon-Hyung, can we just sit down for a second?" Jimin suggested, leading them over to a few cushioned benches. The six sat down, down some crying, others rubbing they're faces with stress.

"What's going on here?" A males voice spoke up.

"These men won't leave. They want to go see they're friend, but visiting hours are over." The rude receptionist said, about to walk out the door.

"Helen, please be reasonable. It's late, and I'm sure they are exhausted. I don't care what you say, I'm letting them in." The man said, adjusting his glasses, turning his attention to the group.

"Who are you here to see?" He asked kindly.

"Kim Seokjin. He was brought here about two hours ago." Namjoon explained.

"Oh, I'm his nurse for the night. How convenient!" The cheery man smiled. "I'm Chan." He introduced, shaking Namjoons hand.

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