We looked around trying to find more clue. On some of the door frames, it had handprints of blood. Adding onto that, chairs were knocked over and a spilled pot lay on the floor. It was right next to the stove which made sense. Joseph must've been burnt while he was busy cooking.

"I'm done here, you?" I nodded and turned to personally face him, "What did you get?" He stepped aside and revealed an ajar cabinet door. "I don't get it." Gavin opened it wide to emphasise the empty gun case and bullet box.

"...Can we go now?" I shook my head at him, "I'm going to put down the evidence displays, you can go ahead." He stood fixed on the ground with folded arms across his chest.

Gavin paused, and silently weighed out his options. He sighed defeatedly and dug his pistol into one of his holsters. "I'll wait."

I grabbed the displays from my coat and placed it next to each thing we found. The pot, open gun case, damaged door frames, the blood trail, and the body. "Done?" I nodded and eyed down what was behind him.

"Who's taking the hallway and who's taking the bedroom?" I gestured. He glared at me and at the door next to him. "No thanks, this place is creepy enough."

"I know, but we can find it faster this way." Gavin stared hard at me, having zero intentions to walk inside. He decided against protesting and looked to the firmly shut door. Instead, he left me alone in the dark to explore the bedroom.

This was the only choice I had left. At the end of the hallway, the door creaked, swaying open and shut. I gripped my gun tightly, and walked with the flashlight off.

The door played with an unnerving repetition of being pulled and pushed from the chaotic wind leaking out of the open window. I could see a sink, toilet, shower, and a bath. At first glance, it looked unbelievably cleaner than the rest of the house.

Another door appeared beside it when I turned the corner. Drawing up the interior plans in my head, I half-guessed it led to the garage out front. Where else would the door go to? I took the other door instead of barging into the bathroom. My eyes narrowed to squint through the hole and found that my assumption was correct. I turned the flashlight on, and pushed the door wider to take a better glimpse.

There were boxes, a dusty car, and trophy sets. An open repair kit lay on the ground and tools rested next to it. Other than that, nothing else caught my attention.

Wrapping up my observation, I peeked inside the bathroom again. I turned the light off and tucked the flashlight away in my pocket.

My hands wrapped around the knob and pushed the door open carefully in a very slow manner. It creaked loudly, which made me harshly grit my teeth.

I wasn't fully convinced that nobody was in here either. Yet, it was different from the rest of the house. I planted a light step on the bathroom tiles and stood quietly. I tilted my head and peeked around while in the same motion aiming my gun.

My eyes widened as its LED glows red, "Gav-!" The android kicked the door, and slammed me into the wall. I winced and fell to the ground. My pistol slid across the tiles.

It jumped over me, desperately throwing itself toward the exit to escape the house. I couldn't grab its legs in time to slow it down. "Gavin! I-It's running away!" I shouted in a surge of sharp pain, leaning against the doorframe. He sprinted out of the bedroom looking at me in shock.

I pointed to the lounge room, holding onto my sore ribs. He ran off as I stared at the gun on the ground. That android hit me pretty good, it'll definitely bruise up. I turned and crawled into the bathroom, and slowly retrieved the gun. My body weighed on the doorframe and used it for support. I began down the hallway leaning on the walls.

Ecstasy - Connor x Reader Detroit: Become HumanWhere stories live. Discover now