Chapter 13: Confused --- Arthur's POV

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It was Monday, and I was already late for school. I just couldn't get up, knowing that today I will meet with Alfred again. I haven't seen him since Saturday night, but I could swear that I missed him. I could still feel the smell of his skin, the gentleness of his touch, and the sweetness of his lips. The fact that he kissed me, was just too hard to believe. I was having doubts whether it was just a dream or not. But most of all I was anxious about how he would react when he would see me. Even I didn't know how to react, should I act like nothing happened, should I confront him about that, or should I try to avoid him? Guess it was just one way to find out. I slowly got off of bed, and started dressing up.

My first class was history. Or better my first class was history, with Alfred, and I was late. I easily knocked on the door, and got in. The teacher was talking something about Carnegie, and as never I wasn't interested at all about his speech. I was just searching Alfred in the classroom, until I found him, where he usually stays....but he wasn't looking in my direction, even though I am sure he saw me coming in. 

''Mr. Kirkland, when you're done day-dreaming, take a sit!'' Proffesor Collins woke me up from my reverie. '' Oh...and by the way, you're late.'' I looked at him, and I could easily read the annoyance on his face. 

''I know, and I apologize.'' I simply said, looking at him like I haven't done anything wrong. Because of that he became even more upset, quite angry If I read the atmosphere right.

''Do you have the 500 words paper I asked you to write last time?'' What the hell was he talking about? I never forget about assigments. I was sure he was just bluffing, to freak me out a little because I was late. ''Well...Mr. Kirkland?'' He insisted, raisings his eyebrows, still holding his book, ready to go on with his lesson. And that's when I remembered that last time I was late as well so he told me to write an essay about Carnegie...or was it Rockefeller...Shit, I couldn't remember anymore. Why?...Oh, wait, Alfred. That's why I forgot. I spend my entire weekend thinking about him, and that certainly wasn't a good excuse to tell your exigent teacher, especially when you've managed to fuck things up again. I swallowed hard and began playing with my tie knot.

''I....I don't have it , Sir.'' I said like it was nothing wrong with that. He looked at me, with his brows furrowed. He was mad now, and I actually managed to do that. I think that was the first time I was getting on a teacher's nerves.

'' don't have it.'' He said, now facing the class. He was silent for a couple of seconds, and then he pointed at my desk. ''Go sit down, Mr Kirkland, you're disturbing my class.'' And in that moment I almost ran at my desk. I felt horrible that he was so dissapointed. I liked Professor Collins, he was really dedicated when it came to his job, and I actually showed him that I don't find the subject he teaches that interesting, which was a lie. I couldn't help the fact that my mind was just too fucking busy with the image of my calssmate, who by the was still not looking at me. I sat on the chair next to him.

''Hi!'' I whispered so that the teacher wouldn't hear...I didn't want to be kicked out of class as well...but Alfred...Alfred didn't say anything, actually he didn't even look at me. But I did; for that matter I was staring at him, all frowning. I wouldn't accept being ignored like that. Who the hell did he think he was? He's the one that kept sending me signals, like long glances accompanied with deep silence, or standing on top of me in the library, or calling me out in the middle of the night for a swim, I mean what the fuck???...oh, and the most important he was the one that initiated the kiss. 

But in the next moment, it hit me. I was sinking in my own drama, and I didn't even take the time to look at the expression Alfred had, which was absolutely horrible. I have never seen a man to look that depressed and petrified in my life. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his hand was covering his mouth. The boy was staring into his book, but I bet he wasn't reading one word from it. Did I do this to him? And that question was making me anxious. I don't know how long I looked at him, but in the moment the class was over, Alfred practically jumped from his seat. 

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