Chapter 6: Surprise Visit

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"Dude! Duuude, wake up!" Arthur was dreaming, he was definately dreaming, otherwise he couldn't explain the annoying voice that was calling him."Come on, wake up! HELLO! WAKE UP!" Arthur opened his eyes slowly, just to see Alfred in front of him, with a scowl on his face. He closed his eyes again, convinced that he was dreaming. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Arthur wake up or I'll sit on you face!" And with that, Alfred took the duvet off of Arthur, leaving him only in his england's flag boxers and a white T-shirt. Arthur was now looking at his classmate, in complet shock:

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!?" He yelled, while trying to cover his intimate parts with his hands.

"Good. You're up." He replied with the calmest tone.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house? my room?" Arthur was now furious, and Alfred's serene attitude was making him even more furious.

"You're dad let me in." He answered, ignoring the british boy, his eyes being focused on the Sex Pistols, David Bowie and The Clash posters, above the white, wooden single bed. He started studying every place in the bedroom: The bookcase full of books, having on one of the shelves a framed picture, that was portraying a beautiful green-eyed woman with glasses, long blond hair and a wide smile on her face.

"Why?" Arthur continued.

"So I'll wake you up." The american boy was now kneeling in front of the tv, looking through the storage cabinet under it.

"Oh my god!" Arthur whispered, trying to calm down, but he was distracted by Alfred's over-excited tone:

"Dude, you have PlayStation 3! And look at all these games: Call of Duty 4, Dead Space, Demon's souls, Resident Evil 5...Wow, this is awesome!" Arthur looked at Alfred with a bored face:

"Why are you so enthusiastic? They're just games." Alfred turned to face his classmate, and stand up with a serious expression:

"Just games? How dare you insult the biggest creators in the world? Mario is just a game! These, my friend, are technology wonders...are different universes and galaxies! These games give you the power to be whoever you want. These games open your horizons!" He was talking like he was holding a speech for the entire population of USA.

"Ok, Ok...I get it!" Arthur interrupted him.

"We should play!" And Alfred was back to his over-excited tone.

"Well..yes, we shou...Wait! Why are you here?" Arthur shouted.

"What are you talking about? I came to finnish my essay. Remember?"

"Yes, I remember. And I also remember that you DITCHED me yesterday!"

"I did not! I just had something to do."

"It must've been something really ran out of the library like a mad man..." Arthur said with a low tone, avoiding his classmate's look. Alfred turned from the tv to face Arthur, having a wolfish smile on his face. When Arthur lifted his face he remained stunned by the way Alfred was looking at him. Damn, he was handsome, with his silky blond hair, eyes blue like the sky, and flawless skin.

"I had to see Natalia, the one you were talking about. If it wasn't you, who reminded me, I would've lose making out with her." he said with a selfish tone in his voice, and then he turned his back to Arthur, so he can search through the games again. Arthur was a little dissapointed to hear that: "Natalia is his girlfriend! That's a pity...wait, what the hell am I thinking? he's straight, and rude, and horrible, and too-american like,... and athletic, and tall, and handsome, especially with his glasses on " Arthur was now day-dreaming at the way Alfred looked with his glasses on, but of course that he was interrupted by the blond boy's loud voice:

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