Easter vs. Halloween

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-Your POV-

I woke up to the smell of cinnamon rolls and pancakes. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room at the manor. As I walked downstairs, I thought about how I ended up in my room. I love you . I stopped moving. Oh my gosh! Kid said that to me. HE SAID THAT TO ME.

Then I remembered that I didn't speak after that. I never said anything. He just summoned Beelzebub, lifted me onto his back, and brought us here. I was to tired to put up any fight and to shocked to speak, so I just went to bed and fell asleep.

I can't talk to him now! He must hate me! And as much as I wanted to sneak back into my room, the smell of pancakes dragged me to the kitchen. I saw Kid standing at the stove, back to me. I looked around and saw that Liz and Patty weren't up yet. Talk to him! You like the guy right? He just confessed his love for you and your going to ignore him? Damn inner voice. But it was right. I really really do like Kid I'm just too afraid of what could happen that I don't admit that I might love him to.

I took a deep breath in and quietly sat down at the high counter. I folded my arms and placed my head face down against them. I guess Kid must have heard me at some point because he chuckled.

"Good morning, _____" He said. I could hear the smile. How could he be smiling when he doesn't even know that I feel the same way? I lifted my head up and saw his beautiful golden eyes looking at me. I put my (H/C) hair up onto a messy bun.

"Good morning, Kid. What are you so chipper about?" I said a bit glumly.

"Because you and I are going to the DWMA to find it where you father is." He walked over to me and handed me a small plate of one pancake and one roll.

"You don't have to help me. I can find him on my own." I started to eat the pancake.

"I know but you should understand that I want to help you with what ever you need help with."

"Are you implying that I NEED help to find my father?"

"No, you can handle yourself just find. You might need help to access for information from certain places." He smirked. He know that I cant access a lot of places since I'm new but him being the son of Lord Death allows him to go anywhere and get anything. I smiled a bit.

"Fine." I finished my pancake and went onto the roll.

"Great. Now I have a question."


"Today is Thursday which mean tomorrow is the Halloween party." He isn't actually going to that is he? "I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the dance." Not only is he going but he wants me to go to. As his date!!! Despite the fact that is was a HALLOWEEN dance, I was practically jumping it of my skin. A real date with Kid.

"I would love to....."He smiled from ear to ear. "But I don't celebrate Halloween." I finished off the last few pieces of the roll.

"That's okay. You don't have to dress up or anything. Just be casual." His smile never faltered.

"But its Halloween. Aren't you supposed to dress up?"

"Well yes but if you don't want to then no one ,especially not me, is going to force you." I got up from my seat and walked around the counter and stood in front of him. Then I snaked my arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips. When I piled away he asked, "What was that for?"

"For understanding." He stared at me for quite away and I let him. Until I saw the clock.

"Shouldn't we be going to school?"

"Yes. Go get dressed and I'll meet you by the door." I headed to my room and got dressed. Then I went back downstairs and saw that Kid was all ready. He grabbed my hand and we went out the door.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, Lid spoke.

"So why don't you celebrate Halloween?"

"Because it's a holiday centered around the dead."


"I don't celebrate the dead. Halloween is the biggest holiday for your family and all of Death City right?" Kid nodded. "We'll my father taught me that Easter is the biggest holiday for us."

"Not that I have a problem with it but why?" His hand squeezed mine.

"Because, Easter is about new beginnings, new life. As a Seimeichokami, all I want is for there to be peaceful life and everyone to live until their written death date. For ages, Seimeichokami tried to denounce murder, disease, and any other causes of an early death. Before that, we tried to have humans live forever. Then we realized that that would never be possible for humans." I looked over at Kid and saw him staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"Your talk so strongly of your kind. I love it." I felt my face redden and looked down at the ground.

"Kid, I-" I stared but was soon interrupted.

"YOU GOD WELCOMES YOU TO THE SCHOOL!!!!" BlackStar was on top of the shook shouting at everyone here on the ground.

"Get you ass down here!" Maka yelled.

"Morning, Kid, ____. Liz and Patty are speaking to Lord Death." Tsubaki said standing next to me.

Soul walked over and glanced out our combined hands. He looked at Kid and smirked. I looked up at Kid and saw him blushed. I chuckled a bit.

"Come on BlackStar get down before you break the school!" I yelled. I knew Kid wouldn't be happy with that. He didn't listen. We all told him to get down. It wasn't until Tsubaki asked him to, that he jumped off the school.

"Alright let's get to class." Maka said. We all headed into the school.

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