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-Maka's POV-

"Soul! It's you turn to do dishes!" I yelled, my voice echoed through the apartment. After I didn't hear a response I opened my mouth to yell again, "SO-"

"I'm right here. I heard you the first time." Soul said as he covered my mouth with his hand to shut me up.

"Then next time yell back." I went back to reading The Book Thief.

"Or maybe you should take you head out of your stupid books and pay attention for once." Ignoring the sink full of dirty dishes, Soul sat down in the chair next to me and ripped the book from my grasp.

"Hey! Give it back!" I lunged across the table for it but he held if from my reach. i sat back down and grabbed the cookbook the was inn the chair next to me. "MAKAAAA-"


"CHOP!" I slammed the hardback book onto his head and grabbed my other book.

"Dammit Maka!" Soul yelled while running his head. "You so nice to ___, and the others, why not me?" I suddenly felt my face warm up.

"Because. You're an idiot." I held my him up high and headed out to the living room to read in silence.

"Ouch." Soul sat next to me and we sat in silence for a few minutes until Soul spoke again. "Do you think Kid and ___ will be okay?" I sighed and shut my book placing it in the coffee table.

"Yes, they will be fine. Kid never really knew his mom so she wasn't all that important to him. His love for ___ is a lot stronger then his love for his own mom." I started to twist my hair and stare at the carpet.

"Ya I guess." Soul leaned his head back and fell asleep.

"Love....." I muttered and look at Soul before I got up to head to my room. "I wonder what it feels like to be loved back?"

-Your POV-

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bacy." I muttered a go away and then heard a soft chuckle. I also felt the chuckle. I opened one eye to see that my whole upper body was lying on Kid. I jolted up.

"Morning." I said awkwardly. I was still a hit in edge and expecting Kid to blow up on me.

"____, it's okay. I'm not holding to against a you. I love you. A lot. And in not going to let something you were forced to do stop me." I smiled a bit and lightly kissed him on the lips.

"What's for breakfast?" I grabbed his hand and we went downstairs to the kitchen. As soon as we got there a very foul and terrible smell hit me like a brick wall.

"Liz! How many times do I have to tell you not to cook!"Smoke started to fill the kitchen up quickly.

"I was going to wake you up, but I didn't want to interrupt your cuddling session." Kid pulled a pan out of the stove and quickly placed it on the counter.

"What is that?" I asked grabbing a fork and poking the weird puffy food.

"They were supposed to be muffins but...." Liz trailed off.

"But now there hockey pucks." Kid finished. I laughed and a few seconds later they joined me.

"Hey where's patty?" I asked noticing the manor was a bit more quiet then usual.

"RIGHT HERE!!" We all turned and saw Patty standing with a big goofy grin on her face. Next to her was Lionel.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Patty said that Liz invited me." I glanced over at Liz and saw her trying to avoid eye contact by looking at the tiles. Ooooh I spy with my little eye a cute couple! As I made plans to get Liz and Lionel together, Kid started to cook pancakes.

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