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After we returned to Death City, out daily schedules went back to normal. The only difference is that I was keeping my distance from everyone.

Katherine took my blood for a reason. To control me. Being the evil witch she is, she love to control people. And what better way to do it then through their own blood. Of all the mind control techniques to use, blood is her favorite.She used to control me when I was four or five, just to get my powers to work. The only question is why she needs me now of all time.

No body noticed my sudden withdrawal because they were to wrapped up in the Halloween party that was happening on Friday which was Halloween. (it's Tuesday btw).

-Kid's POV-

Because you can't take a Seimeichokami's blood by force. It must be given.

I couldn't stop thinking about _____. I know a Shinigami's blood is a dangerous think but if Seimeichokami blood can't be taken by force then i can only imagine why that is. I haven't talked to her much these past few days becasue i've been to worried about her.

Ya i know. Ifyour worried about her why aren't you talking to her. Well i've been doing research on katherine so i would know how to protect (Y/N) from her if she shows up again. So far i have found nothing.

"Kid?" I heard LIz and Patty said while they knocked on my door.

"What?' I got up and opened my double doors. Duh its more symetrical that way. They were both in party dresses. proabably getting ready to go out.

"We're going to Deathbucks for Maka's Birthday. Would you like to come?" Liz asked. That's right. I forgot all about her birthday.

"Sure. let me change into someting more symetrical." I shut the doors and headed over to my closest to change.


"Happy birthday to you!" We sang as Maka blew out the candles. As soon as we arrived they started singing so we just jumped in. As everyone gave Maka her birthday wishes, I stood off to the side keeping an eye out for ___.

"Hey Kid. Whatcha doing standing here all alone?" I looked to my side and saw Soul.

"Nothing." I said and continued to look through the crowds.

"She isn't here."


"___. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her much these past few days."

"Ya I haven't either."

"But it your fault probably."

"What? why would it be my fault?" I didn't do anything. I would never hurt her.

"You haven't talk to her since we got back. She's probably upset that your ignoring here which is so uncool man."

"I'm not ignoring her! I've had a lot on my mine."

"Okay." Soul started to walk away. "By the way, I'm pretty sure there is a reason that witch wanted her blood. Do you really think it is smart for her to be by herself?" And then he continued walking.

Soul's right. I ran out of the cafe and summoned Beelzebub. I quickly rode home. Once I got there I ran upstairs and went to ___'s room. I opened the door to find the room empty. I quickly ran downstairs and looked through the kitchen and the living room. Maybe she's at school. I went to the door and I soon as :I ran outside I collided with someone.

"Ouch, Kid. Why you in such a rush?" I looked up to see ____ rubbing her head. I scrambled to my feet and grabbed her hands to help her up. Once she was on her feet I enveloped her in a hug.

"Umm Kid? You okay?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I buried my head into her hair. She smelled wonderful. Like vanilla and mint combined.

"What are you sorry for?" She started to hug me back.

"For ignoring you. I've been so worried ABOUT you that I wasn't actually paying attention to you." I hugged her tighter. I couldn't let her go. Not now. Not ever.

"Kid..." She stared but I cut her off.

"No, face it I'm unsymmetrical scum. If I can't even live to my own expectations then how could I help protect you?"

"If your complaining about your hair, then it's okay. As for my protection, why would you be worrying yourself with that?" She pulled away from me.

"Because I can't lose you." That came out of my mouth before I even realized it. "I almost did three days ago. I realized that I can't have you not in my life." I looked at ___. She was looking down at the ground. Oh no, I shouldn't have said anything. I should have just kept my mouth shut. Maybe then she would as least still be my friend. Stupid unsymmetrical piece if sh-

"Kid? I'm sorry okay? I just didn't want for you to get hurt. I thought that if Katherine had me she would leave you alone. Turns out she wants you guys to." I saw a small tear drop off her face. I place one of my hands on her him and lifted her head to face me. I looked into her big beautiful (E/C) eyes which were now streaming with tears. "And I can't lose you either. She gets you, then I wouldn't ever be able to see you again. I would have rather let you be free of her and never be able to see you again then have her take you away to do Life knows what."

"___. She couldn't take me away from you even if she tried." My eyes flickered down to her lips. I looked back at ___ who was watching me. I started to lean in without even knowing it.

-Your POV-

He started leaning into me. Is Kid about to kiss me? What do I do? I've never been kissed!! Oh course you haven't, you've been locked up for you whole life. I just stopped thinking then and let my eyes flutter shut. Then I felt his lips on mine. Then were soft and his kiss was gentle. Suddenly, I was falling into it. I started to move my lips with his slowly then fast. My hands moved from my side to his black hair. Kid's hair was as soft as it looked. His hands traveled to me back and he pulled me as close to him as possible yet it still wasn't close enough.

"Umm can we get into our house?" Kid and I quickly jumped apart and turned to see Liz and Patty staring at us with wide grins on their faces.

"I knew Kiddo liked Mouse Girl!! Didn't I tell you Big Sis!!!" Patty said jumping up and down while pointing at us. I looked down and felt myself blush. I took a quick glance at Kid and saw him looking down too.

Yes Patty. You did. Let's go inside love birds." Liz said while grabbing both our hands and taking us inside.

Once inside she guided us to the living room and made us sit down.

"Patty go to bed."

"But I want to see you yell at them!" she complained

"You will be able to hear me if I do. Besides it's late so go to bed." Patty mumbled something and went upstairs.

"Now you two.." I started to fiddle with my fingers. "Keep at all PG when your out in public. Okay? And I down want to come home to a make out session on the porch again." Then she went up stairs. Probably to go to bed.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Kid said. Why is he apologizing? Does he regret it? did he realize that he doesn't like me?

"Wait wait! It's not that I didn't want to!" My emotions must have shown on my face. I Need to work in that. "I just shouldn't have force you."

"Kid, you can't force me to do something I don't want to do. Trust me." I grabbed his hand and scooted closer to him.

"Truth is I kinda like you." He said. He.... Likes me?

"Me to." I leaned my head into his shoulder. and I felt his head go I top of mine. We stayed like that until we fell asleep.

Death the Kid x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz