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-Your POV-
He's dead. I poke him and he doesn't move. I can't see him breathing and his eyes won't blink.

"Guys, I think he-"

"Hello. I would appreciate it if you stopped poking me. " I froze. I looked back at the others to see if they had heard it too. By the way they looked, I assumed not.

"I'm guessing you're the Kishin?"

"Yes. Do not fear. I am not going back to the terrible world. I know what you need and want. You witchy friend had a needle and syringe. Get it. " I walked over to Katherine's body and found the syringe and needle.

"____? What are you doing?" Maka asked.

"I don't know." I said as I walked back to the Kishin.

"Now what?"

"You know what she wants. My blood. Make sure you get all that is left so I may be free from this prison and can leave completely." I walked up to his chest and looked at where his heart is. I stab the needle and syringe in his heart and pulled. Blood started to pour into it and soon it was full. I pulled it out and transferred the blood into a vial, Katherine had packed a few of them to so I grabbed them. I continued that process until I had almost ten vials.

I could feel the Kishin's energy and the madness in the cave lighten. I knew he was starting to leave. For good.

"Thank you. Goodbye. " I heard the Kishin whisper before his presence completely disappeared.

"What. The. Heck?" Liz said. I looked back at them and saw that everyone had relaxed. Shocked but relaxed. "What just happened?"

"I killed him. Took all his blood and his spirit finally died. That why you can no longer feel the madness in this cave." I said monotonously. I glimpsed over at Kid's still-dead body and headed towards it.

"___, you tried what you could. He was a cool dude. No need to try pointless stuff." Soul said. Everyone ,except my father , started to circle me and Kid.

"I have to." I had the syringe in my hand and it was still full of a vial of blood....maybe it could help bring Lid to life. Well I got nothing to loose now. Do I?

I plunged the syringe straight into Kids heart and injected him with the Kishin's blood.

Hey my wonderful peeps!!
Soooo this story is coming to an end pretty soon (but not for like another five maybe ten chapters. Idk yet. Still brainstorming. And I know this chapter isn't much but I'm doing what I can. Anywho, I'm doing my best to write new chapters for Yall but I have finals and SOLs these next few weeks. I'll try to update new chapters ASAP. Thanks for the patience. Love you guys!!😉


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