I Love You

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-Kid's POV-

Three hours. That's how long _____ had been gone after she learner that Katherine hadn't killed her father.

I was walking around the city looking for her.

"She will show up when she wants to. Just give her time." BlackStar said. He was the only one who joined me. everyone else thought she would be back soon.

"But what if she's hurt or something!" I started walking faster.

"Kid, I'll help you because your my friend and you really like her. Okay?"

"Thanks, BlackStar."

"JUST REMEMBER WHO YOUR GOD IS IN THE FUTURE!!" BlackStar yelled while running down a random alleyway. I kept walking down. Come one you asymmetrical piece of garbage, think. Where could she be?

Then an idea came to mind. I summoned Beelzebub and rode out of the city.

-Your POV-

I sat there on top of the rock, looking at Death City. It was lite up like a Christmas tree. All the house lights were on, the DWMA 's candles were helping the city look like a mini sun. It was so beautiful that it almost helped me take my mind off of Katherine. Almost.

I sighed and rested my head on my knees with my arms wrapped around me. I have been sitting on top of this rock for about three hours trying to think of where my father could be or how I could get Katherine out of my life once and for all. Every plan or idea came to mind quickly backfired because I knew that she could evade each and every one of them.

Just as I was thinking about running away to a new city, I heard the sound of mini rockets. I looked up and saw Kid on Beelzebub. I can't talk to him right now. He won't understand. I tried to quickly summon AnneMarie, but he landed and grabbed both my hands before I could.

"Hey. I've been looking everywhere for you!" He said while pulling me into a hug.

"We'll I didn't want to be found." I snapped.

"I don't believe that. If it were true then you wouldn't come to the one place only we can get to." I sighed. I guess I subconscious wanted Kid to come get me.

"Why do you like me, Kid?" I asked. I pulled away from the hug. I knew why I liked him but why would someone as perfect as him want a runaway like me.

"Is that all your upset about?" he asked

"Well no but I keep thinking about running away. Then I remember that you don't want me to so I stop planning. I just don't understand. I've caused nothing but trouble for you and the other ever since I got here. Now you are all tangled in my problems and there isn't anything I can do about it." I fell to my knees and started to cry. Kid sat right next to me and pulled me into his lap to comport me.

"Because your you." He stated like it was obvious.

"That isn't a reason."

"Yes it is. Your personality and qualities makes you who you are." Kid's arms tightened around me. "Your symmetrical, beautiful, sweet, understanding, strong, funny, and perfect in anyway possible. . You are my best friend whom I can share anything with and you would understand. You don't judge people on how they look. You spread love and kindness everywhere you go. You make me want to be the best Reaper I can be." Kid let go of me and pulled both of us up. He wiped off my tears and let his hand lightly trace my face down to my chin. He lifted my head up and kissed me softly. When he pulled away, Kid placed his forehead against mine. Then he spoke three words that made me oblivious to the rest of the world. " _____, I love you."

-Katherine's POV- I know! Shocker right?

"_____, I love you." I heard through ____'s mind. Dammit! these stupid Shinigami are getting in the way of my plan!

"Where is he?" I looked at Death and smiled.

"Who?". I knew he was talking about Life.

"King Life, you witch." He screw headed partner said.

"Well if I told you that then it would ruin my plans more then your son already is, Death." I said.

"My son is not doing anything." His stupid goofy voice was irritating me.

"First, what happened to your real voice. This one is just annoying. Second, maybe you should ask his who his latest love interest is."

"This voice comforts the children more. And why would my son liking someone effect you?"

"Because him liking my Seimeichokami caused her to be happy. Her happiness is not what I need." I said angrily.

"What do you need from her then?" Death's weapon asked.

"Her anger and sadness and hatred."

"Why do you need that?"  The weapon asked. I smirked.

"That for me to know......" I felt the rope snap from where my nails had been sawing at it. "And you to find out." I summoned my sharks  to take me out and we were gone. 

We flew far away from Death City to the Pacific Ocean in the blink of an eye. Soon I was in my underwater cavern the lead to my hideout.  I went to my wardrobe and changed my outfit. Then I headed over to the cage.

"How are you doing this fine evening Life?" I threw a piece of meat in and it landed at his pale but still glowing feet. He was still wearing his golden trimmed clothes and no matter how dirty he was his golden blonde hair shined.

"You know I'm a vegetarian, Katherine." I looked at his eyes. They were normally as green as a fresh leaf but today they seemed....darker? Strange. In all the years I've held him captive they never went darker just greener.

"Oh I know, but I'm fresh out of veggies so until next week you will have to make do with what you have." I said cheerfully.

"Please, Katherine. Just let me go. We both know my daughter won't be able to handle the power."

" That is what I'm counting on. Unfortunately, your friend, Lord Death, is causing problems. So is his son, who ,by the way, is falling in love with your daughter. As a father, you can't be happy about that."

"If it helps her be happy then I am overjoyed." I felt my smile slipped.

"Just remember who killed you wife, contained you and controls you daughter!" I walked away and told one of my sharks to watch him.

"You won't win, Katherine. You witch friend won't be able to be resurrected." Life said just before I dive into the water.   

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