➤ 3. Bee and Rose (Bayverse)

Start from the beginning

"When has a little dirt gotten on your nerves?" As if he was trying to get on my nerves, Bee brushed off his shirt, dumping clumps of dirt on the stone steps.

"Since we moved into a beautiful estate that needs to be taken care of. Cogman tells me you keep sparring on the lawn. What did I tell you?"

Bee shot me a sheepish smile, clearly attempting to play the innocent card. "Don't spar on the lawn?"

I gave him a pointed look, crossing my arms over my chest. "Yeah. Spar on the beach, okay? It's only a few minutes drive." Bee suddenly pouted, tilting his head a little, which was the cutest goddamn thing I'd ever seen.

"Are you mad at me?" Despite the fact I should be, I wasn't. He was too cute to be mad at. "Of course not. Just- Go take a shower."

Bee was more than happy to comply with my order this time, departing in his altmode to clean the dirt and grass off his aft. My night didn't end there.

The second I closed the doors, back inside the foyer of the castle, Cogman approached me once again. "My lady, a man has been calling your phone for the past few minutes. May I hunt him down?" The heckles around Cogman's neck flared, letting me know that he was in one of his anger spikes.

"No, Cogman, it's okay. It's probably just Will. I'll call him tomorrow morning." God knows I needed the rest. Now more than ever.

"I wish you good sleep then, my lady. I shall have Miss Izabella and her companion inside by lights out." If Jimmy hadn't brought them in by now, Bulldog was probably telling them another story from his time during the war.

"Thank you, Cogman."

I left the robot butler to his own devices, heading to the north wing of the castle, where the room I shared with Bee was situated. Through the large windows either side of the hallway, I could see Hot Rod parking up for the night in the garage, right next to Bee's altmode.

Presumably, Bee had cleaned off his altmode. If not, I would have to wash him down tomorrow, since I had shopping to do in town, and didn't want to be driving around in a dirty Camaro.

"Night, Rose!" I passed by Izabella and Sqweeks, who both bid me a farewell for the night. I returned it, albeit a little less energetic. I'd focused my energy on dealing with an Embassy for the UN since they were still standoffish towards the Autobots.

Luckily, they had enlisted my help in order to bring peace between our kind. So I was now a diplomat. And it was exhausting.

Before I turned in for the night, I popped into Sam's room to see if he was there. His room was down the hall from mine, a good minute or so since he wanted to give me and Bee privacy. 'You're a married couple now, you deserve privacy.' As if he'd ever let us have complete privacy. Staying in the same hallway in this gigantic castle wasn't much privacy, but I didn't let it get to me.

"Sam? You in here?" I'd expected to find him playing some game or already asleep, but he was still awake, working on something at his desk. Castle Folgan had extremely spacious rooms, decorated beautifully. It also helped if you needed somewhere to work, like Cade. He had an entire study to himself, as a mini-workshop.

"I am. Did you need something?" Sam barely turned to look at me, so I assumed his work was pretty important. "No, just wanted to see how you were doing. I'm about to turn in for the night."

My brother finally turned to look at me, and he wore a gentle smile on his face. "I'm great. Will is keeping me informed about Cybertron. Sounds like they're making progress with repairing their homeworld." His expression suddenly dampened, smile dropping.

"Are you sure Bee doesn't want to go back? I mean- His home is being repaired. He can go home if he wanted to." I'd already had this conversation with Bee. He was more than happy to stay with us and visit the other Autobots occasionally.

"Sam, Bee is totally fine with staying. He wouldn't have married me if he was going to return to the Autobots, alright?"

Sam just nodded, letting out a short sigh. "Alright. Have you heard from Will? He said he was going to contact you soon." I nodded to myself, making a mental note to call him tomorrow morning before breakfast. Cogman hated it when we were tardy to breakfast.

"He's been calling me, but I'm way too tired to hold a conversation tonight. I'm calling him tomorrow." I crossed the room, giving my brother a quick hug. "Don't stay up until 2 AM, okay? I don't want another Cade on my hands."

Sam made the surrender motion, smiling as I backed out of the room. "I swear, I won't stay up too late. Night, Rose."

Leaving my brother to his letters from Will, I returned to my room. Bee was nowhere to be seen, but as soon as I closed the curtains to shut out the moonlight, warm arms encircled my waist.

"There's my beautiful wife. What's been keeping you?" I happily leaned back into Bee's chest, humming softly.

"I was dealing with other matters. It gets quite busy being me, you know."

Bee started to sway from side to side, effectively lulling me into a light doze. "I know how busy you can get." His voice sounded right beside my ear, whispering softly since everyone else was heading to bed at this time of night. "Why do you think I spar with Hot Rod? To stay on top of my game?"

He continued to sway, which wasn't helping me focus on holding the conversation. It was only making me more sleepy. "I assumed so. Why else would you voluntarily fight Hot Rod?"

Bee carefully stepped towards the bed, half carrying me with him. "To stay out of your way. I do my best to keep myself and Hot Rod busy so we don't bother you."

I did like having the chance to get work done in peace, but I did miss Bee sometimes during the day when I was either in my study or out speaking on the Autobot's behalf.

"You're too sweet, honey." I woke myself up enough so that I could kiss Bee, a thank you for how cooperative he's been during my busy times.

"Just doing my best to help out my wife," He murmured, pulling back the bed covers with one hand, letting me down gently onto the bed with the other still around my waist. I didn't have my pyjamas on, and Bee knew that.

Without any shame, he helped me out of my boots, then assisting me in removing my skinny jeans. It was entirely non-sexual too, he was just being kind and helping me out since I was already half asleep.

Now that I wasn't wearing anything uncomfortable, Bee was content enough to join me in bed, flicking off the light switch as he did so.

"Sweet dreams, princess." He gathered me into his arms, comfortably so.

"G'night Bee..." I cuddled closer to him as I drifted off, letting all the stress melt away.


Let me know if you enjoyed it! <3

Thank you to @EmmaMartiny for requesting this!

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