"I've got this one," Harry whispered. He kissed my forehead and was off to the room across the hall. I wrapped myself up in the covers and started to drift off to sleep again. I felt Harry come back into the room and lay down in bed next to me.

"I love you," I mumbled sleepily. "You're like a superhero."

"I love you too," Harry replied, draping a giant, tattooed arm over me and pulling my body to his.

We both woke up a few hours later when it was time to feed Matthew and change Elizabeth's diaper. I took care of Matthew while Harry took care of Elizabeth. We'd developed a bit of a system, switching off when we could. I was starting to feel more confident in our ability to raise two children under two.

After feeding and burping Matthew, I changed his outfit. I finally decided to dress him in the ridiculously expensive "Baby's First Gucci" onesie that Harry had bought for him. I was becoming more comfortable with the brands that Harry loved, but some part of me would always question the need to spend that much money on an outfit for a baby that they would just grow out of.

But I knew how much Harry loved Gucci, and the outfit, so I put it on Matthew.

"Doesn't he look handsome?" Harry asked, walking into the nursery with Elizabeth. I smiled at her and kissed her cheeks, making her laugh.

"It is a cute outfit," I admitted. I took Elizabeth in my arms and Harry picked Matthew up off of the changing table.

"Where do you want to go tonight?" Harry asked me, changing the subject.

"I don't know," I sighed. "I feel like since we've been here we haven't really gone out much so I don't have any favorite restaurants."

"Well, lucky for you, I have lived in London before and I think I know the perfect place."

"What kind of place?"

"You're just going to have to trust me, my love," Harry said airily, leaving a kiss on my forehead.

"Fine," I huffed. I didn't want to be annoyed, but Harry knew how much of a control freak I could be at times. I loved to know what was going to happen, in fact I needed to know. If I didn't, it would send me into a spiral of overthinking and anxiety.

"Sara," Harry said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "I know you hate surprises, but trust me on this one. I've got you."

"Okay," I sighed. "Just answer me this; what do I need to wear?"

"Something nicer, but not over the top fancy. Does that help?"

I nodded. Harry smiled at me, putting us in our own little bubble for a moment.

I don't think I'll ever get used to the fact that of all the women on the planet, Harry chose me. He chose to dance with me in that bar all those years ago. He chose me to be his girlfriend. He chose to me to have children with. He chose me to be his wife. He chooses me to be the first face he sees every single day.

And I'll spend the rest of my life choosing him right back.

Harry and I went through our daily routine of caring for our son and daughter. I knew how badly he'd been itching to get back in the studio, and I was feeling confident in my abilities to watch Matthew and Elizabeth on my own, so he slipped out of the house for a few hours to get some writing done. I was glad that he'd decided to record a solo album. It put a light back in his emerald eyes that I hadn't seen since the band decided to take a break.

"Hello, my love," Harry said as he entered our home. He shook off his coat and boots by the front door before going to where Elizabeth was seated on the floor to kiss her tiny, chubby cheeks.

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