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Maya P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes to my head feeling like it was being split open by an axe. I looked over and saw my left arm handcuffed to the bed.

"Hmph, why was I expecting otherwise?" I thought to myself somehow surprised that I was under arrest by the DWMA. I looked over at my other arm to see it bandaged up over the vein on my forearm. "What the hell?" I said aloud. I looked up to see Medusa staring at me.

"It's nice to see that you've woken up. How are you feeling?" she asked trying to sound sweet and kindly.

"Cut the shit." I said shrewdly, "What is it that you want from me?" Medusa looked at me as though she were shocked by my hatred.

"Now, now," she said still sounding sweet, "I may be a witch by I am still a nurse and, more importantly, you're aunt. Feel free to call me Auntie Medusa." she said smiling gently at me.

"If I do that, then you'd play on my feelings. How stupid do you think I am?" I retorted.

"Stupid enough to keep your mother's existence hidden from the DWMA." she said in a more realistic, crude tone.

"Ah, there you are." I said satisfied. She simply rolled her eyes and began to check my blood pressure.

"You can't even let me pretend to treat you like your not a monster." she said.

"What good is pretending like I'm not a monster?" I shot back.

"You sound like me when I was younger. " she said, "Always had a negative comment about myself. Never once positive. That is until I found something I enjoyed doing. I assumed Agnes told what would happen to your darling Meister if you told anyone about my existence as a witch." I glared at Medusa.

"Great. Another witch who has nearly complete control over me." I thought to myself, "What am I going to do about Stein? I have to give him some sort of explanation." I tried thinking of any and every excuse I could possibly come up with without mentioning Medusa. Apparently, I had less time than I thought because he waltzed on in. I couldn't meet his eyes. How could after all I had kept from him. We're meister and weapon. We're supposed to have complete trust in each other. How could we have that now?

"Medusa, may I have some time alone with Miss Maya?" he said coldly. She nodded and walked out. Then, he looked to me. I turned my head away from him. I was terrified of what he was going to say. He pulled up a chair and put his hand on mine. I felt himself flinch at his touch.

"Are you going to explain or are you going to sit in silence the entire time?" he said in a softer tone. I worked up the courage to meet his gaze. I could already feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I know I should've said something sooner. I was scared that I would be turned away from the DWMA if I did say something. I'm already seen as a monster by the entire community of witches. Now the students see me as a monster." I said.

"Maya..." said Stein.

"I'm not done." I cut in, "I was also scared that you wouldn't want me as your weapon anymore. You could be compatible with anyone you wanted. I guess I was scared that the moment you found out, I would be kicked to the curb." I had to turn away from his stare. The tears began to fall from my eyes. To my surprise, I felt him hug me again.

"I've told you this before and I'll gladly tell you again." he said as he gently cupped my face to make sure I look at his eyes, "You're not a monster. You never were. You're not a witch. You're my weapon. I could never replace you with anyone else. If you were a monster, you would've let Agatha kill me. You saved me multiple times. No monster has a heart like yours." 

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