More Than Anything

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Maka P.O.V

Soul and I are following Professor Stein through these dense and dark woods.

"Do you think what Kid said was true?" Soul asked me, "Is Miss Maya really half witch?"

"If it wasn't true, I doubt we'd be following Stein right now." I replied, "Papa is a massive idiot. How is it that he didn't realize that he only ate half a soul?" Soul didn't respond. Suddenly, we both lost Stein. We stopped running.

"Where did he go?" asked Soul. I didn't respond. I felt myself too scared to say anything.

"What are you two doing here?" we heard in an ominous tone. We froze and turned around. Papa and Stein appeared from behind a tree. I don't care about Papa catching me. I was more scared about what Stein was gonna do to me and Soul.

"Maka, honey, it's far too dangerous for you to be here." said Papa in a concerned tone. I narrowed my eyes and looked away.

"Like I'd believe an idiot who didn't realize he ate half a soul." I muttered.

"Both of you, go home." Stein said to us in the same ominous, angry tone he found us with.

"No." Soul said coolly, "How do you even plan on saving her without killing her?" Soul and I eyed Papa and Stein waiting for an answer.

"Our witch hunter skill can kill Agatha without harming the physical body." I chimed.

"Unless you have that skill too, then you might want to have us stick around." Soul added. Stein pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed annoyingly.

"Fine. If you two don't hold you own, then I won't hesitate to let Agatha kill you." Stein said before continuing his walk to Agatha's castle leaving Papa with his mouth agape after hearing that Soul and I won't be protected.

"Stein!" Papa yelled before turning to Soul and myself and clinging onto me, "I won't let my precious Maka be hurt by Agatha." I growled and hit him with a book and followed after Stein. Soul fearfully followed behind me. I hurried along and caught up with Stein. He looked so anxious and scared. Not for himself but for Maya.

"How do you know that Maya isn't in league with the witches?" I dared to ask. Stein stopped walking. He looked at me with madness in his eyes. Soul slowly walked in front of me and stood protectively. Everyone knows that Stein is naturally mad. Stein took a step towards me and Soul transformed his arm into his blade. Stein picked Soul up by his neck. "SOUL!!" I screamed. Stein through soul into a tree and knocked him out. He started walking towards me.

"MAKA!!!" yelled Papa. Stein punched Papa and he was out like a light.

"My hero....." I muttered sarcastically to myself. Stein continued to walk towards me. I tried backing away but I backed into a tree. He balled up his fist. I thought to going to punch me. I clenched my eyes shut when there was a loud crashing sound right next to me. I opened my eyes and saw Stein's face in close proximity to mine. His eyes were littered with anger.

"Don't you ever think she'd go against us!" he yelled angrily, "I wouldn't be alive if she were in league with them!" I never heard Stein yell like that before. He wasn't angry..... He was worried about Miss Maya.

"... Do you love Miss Maya?" I asked. I saw his soul faltered a bit. He no longer had that mad, angry look in his eye. I felt a bit of relief in knowing that it went away. He backed away from me. He looked around. Soul and Papa were still unconscious.

"Damn." he muttered to himself as he began to turn the screw in his head. This went on before a clicking sound echoed throughout the forest. He turned to Papa and threw him over his shoulder. He walked past me. Suddenly, he stopped. "More than anything." He said quietly. Almost as if he didn't want me to hear. I walked over to Soul and shook him a bit. He groaned a bit. He slowly opened his eyes and jumped up.

"Where's Stein?!" he asked frantically, "Did he hurt you?!" he asked as he grabbed my shoulders.

"Not that far up ahead. He didn't hurt me." I said calmly. There was a look of relief in Soul's eyes.

"Come on. Let's catch up." I said to him. I helped Soul up and we continued to follow Stein. "At least, that explains why he's been acting the way he has been." I thought to myself, "I wonder if Miss Maya loves him. I've never seen her show any towards of emotion behind her stoic look. I kind of hope she does. I know they're compatible or they wouldn't work as meister and weapon. Their souls are massive. They're both powerful. However, from what it seems, they both struggle with their demons."

"Maka." Soul said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over at him. Silently, he pointed ahead of us. I looked in front and I could see this enormous, archaic, rustic, castle. It looked haunting and medieval.

"This is Agatha's castle." said Papa. We looked at Stein. His eyes were narrowed. He looked beyond angry. "The last time we were here was..."

"Right before you became Lord Death's personal weapon." Stein finished, "It was the day I met Maya."

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