Time To Go

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Agatha P.O.V

"He's holding back on us" I said to my daughter, "This body is more useful than I had imagined." She wouldn't respond to me. "Maybe she's asleep. I didn't think she'd be asleep while I killed her precious meister. I doubt they'd be able to kill me. If they do get the upper hand, then, I can easily remove my soul and go into another body. My older sister would help me. She's able to create bodies. I wasn't planning on staying in Little Arachne's body for long. I just need to recover my strength." I thought to myself. I don't have enough strength to attack. The best I can do is evade. Suddenly, his attacks were harder, faster, and more powerful. I was beginning to have trouble keeping up. He started to land hits on me. I could feel the slight stings of cuts on my face and arms. Stein was looking at me and not my daughter. He was fighting me. "This was a mistake." I thought to myself, "I have to escape." He charged at me with the scythe in his hands. I caught the handle of the scythe with both of my hands. The next thing I know, the two kids that tagged along used a skill that kills the souls of witches. They charged at me. "Time to go." I said to my daughter. She looked up at me from her chains. She was confused.

"What?" she said quietly in utter disbelief.

"You can have your body back." I said. I was about to leave when I gave her a small warning. I whispered it in her ear. Her eyes widened in fear. She looked at me and shook her head ever so slightly. I smiled evilly and left. My soul is gone from her body. I can guarantee this won't be the last time we meet.

Maya P.O.V

She whispered in my ear. She threatened me about revealing Medusa as a witch. Then, she disappeared. I was no longer in chains. I was free. I had my body back. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Stein. He had a worried look on his face. I regained feeling in the rest of my body. I could feel arms wrapped around me. I realized that Stein was holding me.

"Maya...." he said. His voice was filled with relief. I looked around me and saw Maka, Soul, and Spirit. Maka was looking at me with a hint of suspicion in her eyes. I don't blame her. After everything that happened.... After everything I've kept hidden and I'll have to keep hidden, I'd look at me the same way. Spirit turned away from me. The look of sorrow and guilt clouded his eyes.

"Spirit?" I said a bit weakly.

"I'm sorry....." he mumbled, "I'm so sorry. If I had eaten her soul, this wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't have had to gone through that." He turned towards me. He looked like he was about to bawl like a baby. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"I'm safe now because of you and everyone else. I think we're even." I said giving Spirit a weak smile. I looked over at Stein. "I don't know what to say." I said to him, "I wasn't expecting to live this long." Stein shook his head and gave me a light smile. His fingers grazed my cheek.

"Idiot." he said lightly, "You don't always have to die to save the day" I couldn't help but smile weakly at him. My eyelids were beginning to feel heavy. I was feeling more and more tired. Before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.

Stein P.O.V

I watched at Maya closed her eyes. Her head dropped on to my upper arm. I don't blame her for being tired.

"What's going to happen to her now?" asked Maka.

"She's going to be locked up and interrogated." I answered. I hated to do so but I didn't have a choice. She's hidden so much from the DWMA. This could've possibly been avoided if she had said something. Then again, this could've taken a horribly wrong turn if she did say something. "She'll be handcuffed to a bed in the infirmary until she regains her strength. After that, she'll be held in a dungeon until Lord Death is sure that she'll remain an asset to the DWMA." Maka didn't respond. No one did. It was a grim thought to know that she would be in chains once more. Spirit walked over to Maka and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't look so worried." he said to her, "If she complies, which I'm sure she will, there'll be no need to torture her." I looked down at Maya worriedly. She still had cuts and bruises from where I got her with Spirit's scythe form. I picked her up and began walking back to the DWMA. The other followed behind me. Spirit was walking beside me.

"I owe you an apology." I said to him. He looked at me in a bit of confusion. "It's not your fault that Agatha Rune tricked you into eating half of her soul. I had thought you ate her whole soul as well. I was more worried about Maya and angry at Agatha. I took it out on you when I shouldn't have. For that, I apologize." He smiled at me.

"Water under the bridge." he said coolly.

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