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Stein P.O.V

I was racing through the halls of the DWMA to get to the Death Room. Once I reached the Death Room, I burst through the doors. Lord Death was with his own offspring, Death The Kid.

"Stein? What brings you here so late?" he said a bit confusedly.

"It's Maya....." I said damn near out of breath, "Agatha took over....."

"Oh my. That is very bad." Lord Death turned to Kid. They made eyes contact. "Stein," said Lord Death as he turned his attention back to me, "Take Spirit with you and give him the details of Maya's situation. I'll send-"

"No!" I interrupted, "I'm going to save her. She's my weapon. Don't send anyone." I said before running off to find Spirit. "He's probably in that bar that he always goes to get drunk." I thought to myself. I was right. I found Spirit drinking with girls under his arm. "It's no wonder he's divorced."I thought to myself.

"Hey, Stein. *hic* What's happenin'?" he slurred. I pinched the bridge of my nose. I quickly grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the building.

"It's Maya! She's in trouble!" I said seriously. I grabbed spirit by his shoulders and shook him a bit. To my surprise, he simply laughed it off.

Spirit P.O.V

"What the hell is he going on about?" I thought to myself, "Maya? She's a big girl. A hot, sexy, girl..." I found myself think about Maya. If only she worked at the bar. I'd definitely visit more often.

Stein P.O.V

I looked at Spirit. There was this goofy look on his face.

"He's not processing anything I say." I muttered to myself, "Turn into your weapon form!" I said. He nodded and transformed. I picked him up and just started running to Agatha's old castle. It's the only place I can think of that'd she go.

"Stein..." he whined, "Where are you talking me?" I was getting annoyed. His drunken stupor was irritating me to my core.

"You idiot! My weapon is in danger because you didn't all of Agatha's soul!" I yelled. He didn't respond. He stayed quiet. I couldn't focus on Spirit at the moment. I was too busy on Maya or Arachne. Whatever her name is. I have questions that she needs to answer. "She's not in league with them. If she were, she would've let Agatha kill me." I thought to myself.

I began thinking about when I first brought her to the DWMA. My lab coat was still draped over her shoulders. She was clinging onto me. Everyone was staring at her as if she were a monster. They wouldn't know about her soul. She was extremely skinny. Her face was covered in bruises and her night dress was tattered and covered in dirt. Her hair was stringy and her eyes looked dead. When I brought her to the Death Room to introduce her to Lord Death, she nearly fainted due to overexertion. She never had a home other than that cell. So ever since I found her, she's lived with me. I remember when she found out I was mad.

It was a year later. I started laughing like a lunatic. I had a crazed look in my eye. It was in the middle of he night. I had a scalpel in my hand and I went to her room. She was sleeping so soundly. Her skin had grown to be so smooth. She had gained weight and filled her slender figure. I wanted to see what made her look the way she did. I was about to place the scalpel to the smooth skin of her neck. Then, she woke up. In the split second that her eyes opened, there was a dagger at my neck. Her hand was shaking. She didn't want to kill me. With the look in her eyes, I could tell she would if she knew she had to. That look in her eyes...... That pleading look that told me to wake the hell up..... It snapped me out of my madness. That crazed look in my eye was gone. I looked at her with my normal eyes. She kept her blade-like hand at my neck. "She's a smart girl." I thought to myself. I put my hands up as a sign of surrender. She slowly put her hand down. She kept it in the form of a blade. "I'm okay now." I said softly, "I'm sorry." Her eyes showed caution. She trusted me enough to go back to sleep. However, for the remainder of the night, she kept her hand in the form of her dagger blade. As the years passed, she began to trust me more and more. Even with my madness making a scene here and there.

I broke out of my memories of her. I was nearing the castle. "Maya, what the hell were you hiding? Once this is over, I can only hope, you'll still be accepted by the DWMA."

The Mad Scientist (Stein x OC)Where stories live. Discover now