Her Slight Secret

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Maya P.O.V

I was walking back to the classroom to see if Stein was still there. Lord Death wanted to see Stein and myself in the Death Room. I when I found him, he was sitting in his chair. He looked like he was in a daze.

"Stein.... Stein?" I said. Suddenly, my lunatic meister shot up from his chair and fell over. "Idiot." I thought to myself. He was out of his daze but he was staring at me. I could see the gears turning in his head. Not the literal screw he has in his head. "I swear if he tries to dissect me in my sleep again..." I thought to myself. He shook his head a bit and stood up.

"Sorry, Maya. My head was elsewhere." he said as he stood up.

"No shit." I thought to myself.

"Did you need something?" he asked.

"Lord Death wants to see the both of us in the death room." I stated coldly before turning around and walking to the death room.

I can hear her voice in my head again. Her scratchy and ear piercing voice ringing in my head.

"He's behind you. Kill him. You're more powerful than he is. You could do it easily. Kill him, Maya. Make mommy proud and take out the most powerful meister in the DWMA."

"No. He's taken care of me more than you have. He doesn't keep me in chains. He feeds me real meals. If he does do experiments on me, he at least waits until I'm asleep. Unlike you who didn't care how painful your experiment was or when I was asleep or awake." I replied in my head.

"You'll let me take over sooner or later. I'll make sure of it. My darling, Maya." she said before returning to her dormant state. I've been hearing my mother's voice in my head ever since Stein and Spirit found me. Neither Stein or Lord Death know about my mother trying to take over my body. I didn't tell them because I was scared that they would turn me away and think that I was a witch. The witches think I'm a monster. They don't want me taking part in their ceremonies. I was still with Agatha when they made themselves clear that in their eyes, I was a monster. Worse than anything any of them could create.

"Maya... Maya." I looked up and saw Stein peering into my face.

"Is everything okay?" he asked. I plastered a fake smile onto my face and nodded.

"Yes. I'm fine." I replied. Stein and I approached the Death room where Lord Death and Spirit were waiting for Stein and myself.

"Lord Death, you wanted to see us?" asked Stein.

"Ah yes." He replied, "The school's anniversary is approaching. In celebration, we are having a school dance for the students and staff. I'd like you both to be in attendance." said Lord Death. I felt a bit of reluctance grow in my mind. "Maya, I know these kinds of gatherings aren't your cup of tea." he said to me. I raised my eyebrow. "I think you'll enjoy yourself if you went to at least one." I looked over at Stein to see if he'd at least try to help my out of it. However, he was rather busy turning that screw in his head I sighed in defeat.

"Fine." I said, "Is that all?"

"Yes. Your excused. I still need to talk with Stein." said Lord Death. Stein and I exchanged looks. "You can go too, Spirit." he said.

"What?" said Spirit in a shocked tone. I laughed a bit. Lord death raised his hand and glared a bit. Spirit flinched. He walked beside me. I pat his back as if I were consoling a child.

"It's okay, Spirit." I said as we walked away from the Death Room.

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