As the morning continued, a certain teenage Bushy brow had witnessed the whole thing unfold. Rock Lee had been gaping for a quite a time now as he stood there watching the blonde in awe.

"Amazing!" He commented.

Apparently, he had just arrived at the scene for his usual training routine, when discovered that someone was already here in the training grounds and it surprised him since he hadn't seen this new person before.

Although, as he went for a closer look, his eyes widened in suprised." Naruto?" He muttered to himself." Is He really back?" He asked. How could he have not known about this earlier? No one had told him that one of his friends has returned after a few years.

Yet, by the time he got a good look, it was then that he realized that person in front of him wasn't the Uzumaki himself but rather just a look alike or somesort. He was wearing this simple white t-shirt and black jogging pants. He had the same spiky blonde hair, blue eyes, and two white patches on his cheeks.

Rock Lee watched the blonde as he sparred with what seemed to be clone. He also wondered if this person was a Shinobi himself. He had never seen him before in this place. He was amazed the fact on how he moved along. The gracefulness, flair, and timing was just perfect.

"Man! How did he do that?" Bushy Brow wondered. He had never seen a person performed like this.

The training ended not too long and Bushy Brow was now planning to approach and converse with the blonde. Although, He wasn't sure how to start the talk with him but there was only one thing in his mind.


"Since, He was not Naruto, I really wanted to meet him in person. I never really seen a person moved with such finesse and grace, It was YOUTHFUL!"

-Rock Lee

By the time Boruto had finished his mini-training routine. He went to the area where the three wooden stumps were located.

A small sports bag was positioned on one of the stumps. As the teen reached the area, He reached his hand inside and grabbed a water bottle, and began drinking. He stayed in the area and enjoyed the fresh sunny and windy weather. He stared at the blue sky and new fully raised sun, taking a deep breath to refresh himself.

"Man, I really loved mornings like this." Boruto muttered aloud. His life wasn't complete without this specific routine. He can't stay outbof shape for a long time.

"Excuse me sir!"

A male voice then interrupted the peacefulness. Boruto then turned around to face a somewhat quite familiar face.

"Metal Lee!?" Boruto exclaimed in his thoughts. In that few moments of shock, he thought he was staring at the ghost of Metal Lee or a hallucination of him, but would soon realized that this was indeed real yet this wasn't the hard working friend from home.


"It really surprised me for a second there, Metal Lee and His Dad looked liked twins to be honest."


As for Rock Lee, having decided on what would be the right way to confront him. Just stopped his tracks right in front of the guy and greeted with a level of respect which even surprised the blonde himself.

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