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2 months later


Harry gagged, clinging to the edges of the toilet bowl as he struggled to suck in an even breath. He'd woken up alone and nauseous, having to rush to the bathroom to make it in time before he'd puked his guts out.

He grimaced when he heard the door slam downstairs and footsteps thundered up the stairs, his alpha's scent growing nearer until he stepped into the room and paused. "Pup?" He called, clear confusion evident in his tone.

The omega struggled to push himself to his feet as he flushed the toilet to hide the evidence of what'd just happened. "In here Lou." He responded, picking up his toothbrush to wash the taste from his mouth.

Stepping inside with a flourish, Louis wrapped his arms tightly around Harry's waist and hooked his chin gently over his shoulder. Harry ducked his head to try and hide his grimace, but his alpha being his alpha took notice anyway.

"Hey, love, what's wrong?" He asked gently, loosening his grip around Harry and waiting for him to finish before turning him around. Warm hands cupped Harry's clammy cheeks as his mate stepped closer to him, gently pressing their foreheads together.

"I think I need to go to the doctor."


Harry's legs were jittering anxiously as he sat waiting for the doctor to come back into the room. Louis was standing beside him, half shielding him from the door as he took both of Harry's trembling hands into his own.

"You doing alright, pup?" His alpha whispered, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. "Not in any more pain?" Warm hands rubbed down Harry's arms and brought him against Louis' chest, his mate's nose brushing over his ear.

He shook his head and curled his fingers into the soft fabric of Louis' jumper, keeping him close as they breathed each other in. They both jumped when the door opened and the beta doctor stepped inside, freezing at the sound of Louis' protective growl and holding both hands up in a placating manner.

"I'm sorry Mr. Tomlinson, I should have announced my arrival." She soothed, eyeing the alpha closely until he settled and turned his attention back to his omega.

Harry eyed her as she sat down and wheeled her way over to the couple, smiling warmly in Harry's direction. "Congratulations," she began. "You're having a baby."

Louis froze against Harry's side and he slowly turned his head to look at their doctor, blue eyes wide and thin lips parting slightly. Harry felt like all of the breath had been knocked from him as he stared at the woman while she spoke, recommending what prenatal vitamins to take and breathing classes.

By the time she left the room, the omega was on the verge of hyperventilating. He'd released his  grip on his alpha and was now hunched in on himself as he struggled to drag in an even breath. 

Louis' arm wrapped tightly around his shoulders and Harry felt his lips press gently to his throbbing temple. "You're alright, baby." He murmured, Harry's body curling into his chest for much needed comfort.

They remained in that position for a long couple of moments before the Omega drew the strength to pull away. His Alpha immediately swiped the tears from his cheeks and tucked his curls behind his ears. "We're going to be okay."


Harry was in a state of shock on the ride home, the bag containing his prenatals clutched in his trembling hands. He could feel Louis' eyes on him every time they stopped at a red light and he managed a couple of tiny smiles in attempts to ease the nerves he could feel pulsing through their bond.

He was the first inside once they reached their home and he hopped onto the counter, waiting for Louis with his head ducked low and his hands pressed between his thighs. His Alpha approached him slowly, hesitant and fearful of spooking his already shaken Omega.

"I'm okay," Harry whispered. "I promise. I'm okay now. I'm sorry."

He tried a shaky smile and Louis immediately shot forward to take him into his arms. He was making a soft noise in the back of his throat as he tucked his nose against the side of his neck. "Don't apologize. You're okay."

Harry's shoulders loosened and tears built in his eyes, leaning heavily against his Alpha for some much needed comfort. They remained curled together for a few long moments, Louis' lips pressed gently to his thundering pulse.

"We'll be alright, baby," The older wolf whispered. "We'll be okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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