5. my

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Everything felt fuzzy and light, the slightest sound too loud in his sensitive ears and the overwhelming scent of alpha surrounding every inch of his trembling body, breaths coming out in heavy pants. He was aching with the amount of stress and anxiety bubbling through his system, fear a strong current that zipped through his veins like wildfire, igniting his nerves until he was left frazzled and scared.

Harry jerked forward with a strangled gasp and covered his head with his arms, curling up tight to avoid any contact with the alpha sitting behind him. "No, no no, nonono." He whimpered, extended claws digging deep gashes into the delicate skin of his inner arms. A violent shiver wracked through his body at the sudden pain and he sighed, flinching away at the first touch of the alpha's fingers but eventually allowing him to peel his hands away and hold them tightly between both of his own. "Harry, love." Karen spoke up from beside him, scent lacing with the alpha's to create that extra comfort the terrified omega needed, brushing his curls off of his sweaty forehead. He leaned into the touch, releasing the breath that had been weighing heavy in his lungs.

He eventually managed to peel his eyes open and blinked a fee times to clear his blurry vision, flinching away when Niall's worried face came into focus too close to his own. His back collided with the alpha's chest and he barely thought before he was turning in the protective bracket of his knees and nudging at his neck, the cold tip of his nose making the man gasp as his arms wrapped tight around him. His surroundings were still a bit in a haze, but the ringing was fading from his ears and the ache was fading from his joints, breathing becoming easier. He relaxed back into the comfort of the other's gentle hold and pressed his forehead to the side of his neck, fingers wrapped tight around his wrist to keep him close. "Thank you." Harry whispered and the alpha, Louis he realized, hummed softly, chest vibrating soothingly under his cheek. He knew he should probably be more afraid, more cautious of the older lad, but he was comforting and warm and he really didn't want to move.

Harry didn't realize his eyes had closed again until Karen whispered, "Did he fall asleep?", and Louis shrugged, shifting underneath the light weight of Harry's body. "I'm not sure." He murmured as his fingers shifted through Harry's curls, gripping gently to keep his head cradled as he pulled the omega onto his hip and slowly stood up, cooing softly when he released a soft noise of question. "You're alright, H. It's okay, we're just moving to the back, everyone's still staring." Louis murmured, voice going a bit rough at the end with subtle anger.

There was a small bit of shuffling before Harry's body gently rocked as Louis walked through the door leading to the back, Karen following behind talking softly to keep the two of them occupied. Her fingers pressed gently to Harry's neck as he was lowered down into a plush armchair, wide eyes meeting Louis' soft gaze for the first time. "Hi, baby." The alpha breathed, crouching down in front of him and Harry swallowed around the thick lump in the back of his throat, whispering a soft greeting of his own. He looked to Karen for reassurance and she smiled, reached to tuck a loose curl behind his ear.

His attention snapped back to the alpha when he let out a soft rumble of warning, gaze turning to the door to find Zayn standing with an awkward Niall half hidden behind him, shifting back and forth. Harry tensed a bit, feeling guilty as he looked down at his fisted hands and slowly stood up, arms curling around his middle. "I'm sorry." He whispered before bowing slightly and shuffling past the two betas, grabbing his things from behind the counter in his rush to get out, door swishing softly behind him.

He flinched when someone shouted his name and clutched his bag tighter to his chest as he stopped, standing shivering in the middle of the street while he waited for Louis to catch up with him. His hand fell on the omega's elbow, gaze gentle on the side of his face. "You didn't have to leave, love." He murmured, thumb rubbing soothingly at the fragile skin of Harry's arm and he shrugged, pulling away. "I didn't want to be there anymore. My shift was already over anyway." Hostility was laced through his tone and it startled the both of them, Harry more than Louis and the omega turned to rush off, relieved that the other let him this time.


Harry didn't relax until he was curled up under three different blankets in his bedroom, all doors and windows locked to soothe the brewing paranoia darkening the very corners of his mind. He was trembling slightly, nose pushed into the pillow to relish in the scent of home and safety, hands fisted tightly by his tummy. The omega poked his head out at one point to search the dimly lit room before grabbing his phone and pulling it down under the blankets with him, squinting through the brightness until he turned it down and was able to clearly see the screen. He pulled up his mum's contact, staring at the picture of the two of them, then down at her number, slowly pressing the call button.

Harry's eyes closed when she answered, only to flinch when she immediately hung up before he could even get a soft "hello" out, tears gathering in his eyes. "Mummy."

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