15. on

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Louis'd been silent ever since he apologized, and he wouldn't look at Harry, wouldn't touch him or even acknowledge his existence as the doctor moved around checking on him. He seemed to be pretending Harry wasn't there so he wouldn't be reminded of his injuries, and it made the omega's heart thunder and his pulse race, hands trembling from where they were clenched around his knees.

"Lou?" He croaked once the doctor had left, swallowing around the lump in his throat and reaching for the lad's hand, only to jerk back when he let out a gruff rumble. Tears stung the corners of his eyes and he climbed off of the bed, arms wrapped tight around his middle to contain the feeling of falling apart.

"Louis," Harry's tone was pleading and soft, scared almost as he rocked back and forth, too afraid to look up at the alpha. "Please tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it."

He stumbled back when Louis suddenly shot towards him and yelped, hunching down and covering his head half expecting to be hit, beaten until he couldn't breathe, anticipating it so much he was surprised when the blows never came. The omega looked up, green eyes wide and panicked, and he had seconds to register the regret and sadness in Louis' expression before he was turning and climbing up onto the bed, the slump of his shoulders defeated.

"Go, Harry. I don't want or need you here, yeah? Just leave. Go home."


Harry went to work the next day half frozen and half dead, eyelids drooping and jaw clenched in a tight line. After he'd run home from the hospital the night before, he'd taken a shower and scrubbed himself raw before falling into bed for another sleepless night, managed to have two panic attacks within three hours and nearly wound up in the hospital again.

He didn't speak when he walked into the shop, moved silently to the back and threw himself into his work so Karen would have no choice but to leave him alone and his thoughts finally quieted down, replaced with concentration. By the time lunch rolled around, he was already finished for the day and simply cleaned up his workstation before leaving, taking his stormclouds with him.

The first beam of sunlight had him calming, standing in the middle of the dusty street for a few minutes to bask in the warmth and comfort of the new day. It soothed his frazzled nerves and soon breathing became easier, heart slowing its painful rate and whirring mind coming to a stop.

Harry only moved when a car honked obnoxiously behind him, waving an apologetic hand as he strode over to the sidewalk out of the way, lowering his eyes to the pavement when a few disapproving alphas glared his way. He swallowed down an apology and avoided eye contact, moving around the small group before jogging down a couple blocks until he got to the hospital.

The omega was only slightly surprised when he saw Louis front, paused for a couple of seconds before hunching a little to appear as less of a threat and walking towards him, seeing it the moment he caught his scent. They stared at each other for a short while, blue eyes boring into green with such a ferocity Harry found himself taking a couple of steps back.

"Harry." The alpha called, hesitating for a couple of seconds before he was rushing forward and gathering the lad into his arms, fingers pressing to the back of his head to push his face in against his neck. They scented each other for a couple of minutes, clinging tight and whispering soft apologies until people grew agitated with them and pushed around, only to space out again when Louis snapped out a vicious snarl.

"Don't touch him." He rumbled, tucking Harry in closer and leading him away until his back was pressed up against a wall and Louis was pinning him, nose skimming the soft skin of his unmarked neck. The alpha stuck close, warm breath prickling over his throat and helping him relax, head falling onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Hazza baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean yesterday, yeah? I didn't mean to let you go, love, but I've got you now, and you have me." Louis whispered as he tucked him in close with strong arms, small hands smoothing gently over his curved back to soothe his thundering heart. "I've got you baby."

Harry's entire body relaxed at the gentle words and he curled his body to make himself small so he fit easier in Louis' arms, shaking fingers fisting in the thin fabric of his borrowed t-shirt so he couldn't move too far. "Lou." He whispered, voice cracking and eyes watering, sniffling softly as Louis tucked his long curls behind his ears and pressed a reassuring kiss to his forehead.

"I've got you, baby. I'm sorry."


heyyy sorry for such a late update, thank you for your patience.

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