The Bet

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So everyone has been having mixed emotions about Riley and Taiya and man, I'm loving it! But I just wanna let ya'll know, this chapter.. Some of ya'll finna hate me! 

Caesar POV~

It was date night and we didn't go anywhere since Riley didn't really have a date so we turned the night into game night. Jada had just bought Uno and since this was more family friendly than anything, Riley invited Taiya over.

I had noticed she's been coming over more often or Riley would leave out to hang out with her. She was really cool and most of the time if she wasn't talking to Riley or Jada she'd be talking to Huey about politics or whatever current event was going on. 

Anyways, we all sat in the kitchen around the table, ready to play Uno.

"This will be elimination Uno," Jada announces. "And to make it interesting, there will be a twist. Boys vs. Girls."

"How we gon play boys vs. girls when we can't see the other people's cards?" Riley questioned.

"It'll still be every man for themselves, it's just you have to try and not get eliminated."

"So, what does the winner get?" Jazmine asks.

Jada thought for a second before saying,

"We'll make a bet. The loser has to do whatever the winners say."

"That sounds fair," I say. 

"What's ya'll bet?" Riley asks. 

The girls huddled up and giggled. Jazmine was the one to speak,

"You three have to perform."

"But not just any song," Taiya continues.

"It has to be a freaky one," Jada finished, licking her lips. The three of us couldn't help but turn red. 

"You want what?" I asked, coughing a bit.

"You heard us," Jazmine says. "You three will perform a freaky song. A song about sex. At JEC this Friday. ALL of you have to do it."

"That includes you, Hue," Jada chuckles.

Huey rolls his eyes,

"Fine," He says. "But if we win, you three have to do whatever we say for a week."

Riley and I didn't agree to it but we honestly didn't care. Jada doin whatever I wanted for a week? Ohhhhh I was finna get some ass.

"Fine," Jazmine agrees. We all shook on it, making the bet official.

"The rules are of Uno is simple. You can stack numbers and draws. Stacking numbers isn't just multiple 8's or 5's. You can stack numbers by like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 9, 0, 1, 2, 3. Get it?"

Everyone nods.

"Can I stack a +4 on top of a +2?" Taiya asks. 

"Yup. And you can do it the other way around too. If you don't have a card to put down you must pull a card as your turn. Everyone good?"

We all nod and Jada passes out the cards and Riley starts.

"Aye!" He puts down an 8, 9, 0, 1, and 2.

Taiya continues it putting down like three 2's a 1, 0, 9, 8, 7, and 6. 

Jazmine puts down her numbers and the rotation keeps going. We all finished putting out numbers and it was time for shit to get started.

Jada was the first to put out 3 skips, skipping Riley, Taiya, and Jazmine. Huey went and reversed  so it was Jazmine's turn again and she gladly reversed it twice to continue it going backwards. Taiya skipped Riley and Jada so I went putting down a +2.

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