My Son with his Mother's Eyes

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Riley POV~

I felt like we slept for years. Jada, Caesar, and I got to Murph's house late and didn't get to sleep until 3 hours after we got there. It was honestly awkward coming back. I could tell Caesar was shaken up watching his girlfriend nearly kill his cousin then actually killing her friend. But Jada just seemed to want to stay by herself. 

She drank her life away, passing out on the coach after venting to me about how much she hated killing people. She didn't like it but whatever had to be done, had to be done.

"I know," I told her. "You not gon have to do that no more."

By the time I woke up, it was 5 in the afternoon. My body felt droopy and overly tired. I didn't know what time it was or where I was even at. 

Looking around, I realized I was in Murph's room. A picture of us was on her nightstand and the whole room smelled like her.

It took everything in me to get up and open the door. Christie's car was gone and Caesar was still sleep on the coach.

"About time you woke up," Jada says, startling me. 

"When the hell you get up?" I question.

"Just a few minutes ago. I think Christie went back to the hospital to check on the baby." I didn't say nun, just went into the kitchen. "When are you gonna go see your son? You can't abandon him just because Cindy isn't awake."

I stopped moving, looking down. I hear footsteps before feeling someone hug me from behind.

"Please go see him, Riley," Jada says. "Don't let him feel like his parents are both gone at such a young age. Don't make him feel the way we felt when we were little."

I sigh. She was right. He ain't seen his mama or his daddy yet. Even though he only a few hours old, he probably feeling alone right now.

"Fine," I finally say, "I'll go. But you comin with me."

"Wouldn't think of anything better."

"I'm coming to," We both look at Caesar who was stretching on the couch. "I ain't seen my nephew yet either."

We all change clothes and get our teeth brushed before calling an Uber to the hospital. When we get there, we go to the delivery room, telling the nurse we were here to see my son.

"At this time, only family of the baby are allowed to see him until the father is here," The nurse says.

"I am the father," I tell her, a bit irritated that she didn't think I was.

"I'm sorry, what's your name."

I didn't say nun, just pulled out my wallet, showing her my identification.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Mr. Freeman. I'll show you to him right now."

She gets up, Jada rolling her eyes, as we go to a room. A nurse was feeding the baby when we walked in.

"The father is here to see the baby," The first nurse leaves as the second nurse who's holding the baby smiles,

"Hi, I'm Nurse Dawn. I've been taking care of the little guy since his mother is in the ER still."

"Riley," I say, "I'm his dad."

"Well, would you like to hold him."

I gulped, not knowing what to do.

"He would," Jada speaks up. I look back at her as she smiles, indicating that there's nothing to worry about. Nurse Dawn gets up, handing me the tiny baby. He was so small, so light. 

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