Home Where I Belong

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Jada POV~

"You sure you don't want us going with you?" I asked as Caesar and I were getting ready to head back to Chicago.

"Yea, we straight. Christie gon take us by car since Carter too small to take a plane," Riley says. 

"Plus we ain't got enough room in the car," Cindy adds.

We nod, heading towards the door.

"Alright, well, we'll see you guys in a few hours," Caesar says. They nod. We hug them, thanking Christie for letting us stay at her house.

Caesar calls an Uber so we can head to the airport. 

"You okay?" He asks as the Uber takes us to the airport.

"Yes," I reply, looking out the window, "I'm fine."

He sighs, knowing I wasn't being fully truthful.

"Babe, I know you've been acting a little funny lately."

"Yes, because I wouldn't be acting funny after everything that's happened that last few days."

I wasn't in the best of moods. I just wanted to go home and see my babies and forget everything that had happened.

"I understand," Caesar says after a while. We make it to the airport, getting checked in and walking to our terminal. Our flight would be leaving in 20 minutes, leaving us to wait at the gate.

I called Jessica, not hearing anything from her since I left.

"Hello?" She replies over the phone. There was crying in the background.

"Hey, Jess. How's everything going?" I asked.

"Eh, not too good. Jordan has been really restless lately and won't stop crying. Jackson has been good though."

I chuckle,

"I'm sorry. He's a bit of a daddy's boy. Not seeing his dad for too long upsets him."

Jessica chuckles,

"I almost forgot Candice comes to our house everyday after school," She adds. My eyes widened, I almost forgot that too.

"Oh no! I'm sorry, Jessica. I hope that wasn't too much for you."

"Well, she knew where most of the boys stuff was so she was honestly a big help. Without her, I don't know what Donte and I would've done."

I thank her again, telling her Caesar and I should be there within 2 hours. After talking, I hang up, putting my phone in my coat pocket. 

"How are the boys?" Caesar asks.

"Fine. Jordan has just been fussing since we've left. You know he doesn't like you being away for too long."

Caesar nods, looking at his watch. I could tell he was ready to go home too.

Our flight was finally ready for us to board and we boarded, getting some rest during our flight there. After an hour and a half we finally landing, Caesar's car being parked in the airports parking lot. 

The drive home was silent for a few minutes before my phone rang.

"Hello?" I ask, not looking at the caller ID.

"Hey Jada," it was Huey, "Everything okay?"

"Y-yea," I reply, hesitantly. I didn't expect him to call and I definitely wasn't going to tell him what had happened these last few days. "Why?"

"Donte had told me you and Caesar left to Woodcrest for something urgent and I wanted to make sure everything was good."

"Yes, everything is fine. No need to worry. We're actually on our way back home now, along with Riley and Cindy. She had her baby."

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