Beach Babes

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We made it to Jacobi's hotel where there actually were a lot of people waiting to get rooms. Arfenne moved to the front to get us our room keys while we waited behind everyone.

"Why's everyone here in May?" Jazmine asks. "School isn't even out yet."

"I dunno," Caesar says. "People don't normally come here that much in the summer. I guess things have changed."

"Are those the Crybabies?" Someone asked.

"I think it is," Another asked.

"Um, why do I have a feeling something is gonna happen?" I say, a bad feeling in my stomach settling.

"That's Jada, Jazmine, and Cindy! Those girls are famous singers in Woodcrest!" A girl runs up to us. "Can I get your autograph?"

"Um," I look back at Jazmine and Cindy and see people start crowding around them too. 

"Back up," Caesar orders, fully in security mode. "They're not here for you!"

Everyone starts groans, moving back and going back to their regular lives.

I sigh in relief, looking at my boyfriend.

"Thanks," I say.

Caesar winks.

Getting our room key, Caesar and I had gotten the luxury suite since it was Caesar birthday and got the room that had a perfect view of the beach.

"No fair!" Jazmine whined. "You guys get the good room!"

"Perks of dating a Jamaican," I tease, wrapping my arms around Caesar's waist.

"Don't get any ideas," Huey says, looking at Jazmine who was contemplating on finding a new boyfriend.

"What? I would never," Jazmine says, sarcastically.

I flop on our bed, my eyes instantly closing.

"Don't fall asleep on me now, babe," Caesar says. He lays next to me. I open my eyes and meet coco brown ones.

"I can't believe you'll be 19," I say. "It was like yesterday that we started dating."

"It's been 2 years already, babe," Caesar chuckles. I roll my eyes,

"Still feels like forever."

My phone buzzes and I look to see a text from Cindy.

Cindy: Reezy wanna know if ya'll trynna go to the beach?

"You wanna go to the beach?" I ask Caesar.

"I kinda wanna take a nap," He says, pulling me into him. 

"Don't fall asleep on me now, babe," I mock. He rolls his eyes.

Me: We'll go in about 2 hours. Caesar and I are kind've tired.

Cindy: Aight.. We'll just meet ya'll
Cindy: And Riley said don't get no ideas 

I rolled my eyes. Of course he did.

Me: W.e.. Tell him I'm grown
Me: Wait, don't tell him that

I put my phone down and cuddle into Caesar. 

2 hours and 36 minutes later, I woke up to feel a cold spot next to me. Caesar must've gotten up. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"I was just about to wake you," A voice says. I look up to see my boyfriend shirtless in black swim trunks. His hair was in a bun and he was putting on sun screen. My mouth must've been open because Caesar chuckled and said, "Do I look that good?"

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