Just the Two of Us

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Jazmine POV~

Huey hadn't said anything since we left. The entire car trip to our new apartment was silent, he only occasionally asking me if I was hungry or tired.

"Babe?" I call. We were finally settled into our apartment. Huey was still very down and I really wanted to get him to talk.

"Yea, Jaz?"

"Come, let's talk."

Huey sits on the bed next to me, sighing deeply.

"I know you're upset babe, what wrong?" I asked.

"I just feel bad," He says. "I left them by themselves. Jada can't work and Riley won't wanna leave Jada alone so he's not gonna work either. I left them with no car since my was totaled, no money, the money Jada got from the tour is gonna spend fast. I just-" Huey stopped, taking a breath. "I feel like I failed them."

"Awe, babe," I lay my head on Huey's shoulder. "You didn't fail them. Things just happened so fast and you never got a chance to really do anything. Riley and Jada still love you and they'll be fine without you. Remember, we're still in the same state, just in a different part. If something goes wrong, you'll be right there to help them."

Huey nods, letting my words sink in. I closed my eyes, the baby taking away most of my energy. As I was beginning to drift off, I felt Huey's body tremble. His shoulders shaking as he put his head down. I quickly sat up, observing him. Huey was crying. It's been a while since I've seen him cry and to see him cry again broke my heart.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I feel so bad," He says with a sob, "I left them by theirselves and I didn't even say goodbye. Not only that, I said all those rude things to Jada and never apologized. What if she hates me? What if both of them hate me? I already lost granddad, I can't lose them too."

I couldn't help but cry too. Huey felt as if all of this was his fault and he thought with him leaving his siblings behind, they were gonna be gone forever.

"Everything is  gonna be alright," I tell him. "Jada and Riley love you. They know you had to go anyways. They're not gonna hold that against you."

Huey sighs with a nod. He was most likely still going to be upset, but probably not as much as he was before.

The day goes on and Huey and I had to sign up for classes on campus. University of Chicago (U of C) was 2 hours away from our house where Jada and Riley were. It was only 15 minutes away by car from the apartment we got.

"You wanna just stay here and I'll look and see the classes they got?" Huey asks.

"No. I can't keep staying home while you do everything. I have to start school anyways and Im not starting here."

Huey only nods, helping me out the door.

I was 5 months pregnant and really showing. Before we left, Huey and I went to the doctor and found out we were having a girl.

Surprisingly, Huey was excited about this. He honestly wanted a little Jazmine running around and he didn't mind her not being a boy.

Anyways, we get to campus, seeing a lot of students walking around, looking for where to go.

"Registration is this way," I say, pointing to the sign.

The crowded registration room was filled with students waiting in lines to sign up for classes. Huey and I honestly didn't expect this many people going to a college in Chicago.

"You sure you'll be alright, Jaz?" Huey asks once more. I nod, shooing his hand.

"I'm not disabled. I'll be fine."

Huey nods, still wanting to help me. We wait in line, Huey scanning the room on occasion for anything suspicious.

"Omg, is that Jazzy?" I turn around and see two girls looking over at me.

"It is!" The other says.

"Hi," I greet. They both squeal.

"Oh my gosh, Jazzy, we're such big fans of yours!"

"Yea! Your dance revolution compilation was just amazing!"

"Thank you!" I smile, happy someone appreciates my dances.

"But you really let yourself go," the girl says.

"Amani! You can't just go around saying that! Plus, she's pregnant, there's a difference!"

"Oh my bad," Amani scratches her head, embarrassed.

"Its okay," I giggle. "I'm 4 months."

"Congrats!" Amani says. "Im Amani, by the way. And this is my cousin Jaya."

"Nice to meet you two!" I reply.

"And look at him," Jaya shoots a glance at Huey.

"Your boyfriend is even hotter in person!" Amani drools. Thats when I gave a nervous look. I kinda felt uncomfortablen when girls talked about Huey like that.

"Jaz, we're done," Huey says, grabbing my hand.

"It was nice meeting you two," I say.

"You too! Hopefully we see you soon!"

I smile as I walk out with Huey.

"You get jealous so easily," he says.

"I do not," I pout, getting in the car.

"Sire, whatever floats your boat."

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