Chapter 5: Marvin

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(A/N Hey, so I kinda wanted to write in 1st person, but I changed my mind. I guess I'm writing in 3rd person again. I'm sorry. I might fix the older chapters, but I give up. I don't really like it, so yeah. That's all folks.)

Also, a brief trigger warning for implied sex.

Marvin's POV:

Marvin groaned as his eyes fluttered open only to be greeted by blinding rays of light coming in through a window. He settled to just lay in bed for a few more minutes, even if he couldn't fall back asleep. He was tired anyways.

He probably could've fallen back to sleep if it wasn't for the person next to him wrapping their arms around him. Marvin was shocked to say the least. The events of the previous night were hazy, he remembered going to some party and, still confused and a bit disappointed about his relationship with Trina, having a bit to drink. Well, he wasn't upset about breaking up with her, he was more upset about how he didn't feel anything for her. He had spent so long dating her, without feeling anything. Not to mention that she took it pretty hard when they broke up. So Marvin drank. Not a lot. He should've been fine, but Marvin's alcohol tolerance was not very high, so he became a bit tipsy. Not black out drunk, but enough for him to make several questionable decisions.

For example, he was drunk enough to not only flirt with some stranger and lie to him about being drunk, but to also make out with him and bring him home. And he was drunk enough for things to... escalate. Quickly. Marvin felt his face heat up just thinking about it.

He had dated Trina for so long that he had convinced himself that he liked her. That he had to like her. He should've been happy. She was happy. So why couldn't he be? And then he started noticing things in men and any attraction that he should've felt for Trina was instead felt for cute guys he didn't even know. So he broke up with her. He didn't tell her why they were breaking up. He didn't feel ready to come out to her yet. Or anyone for that matter. He had spent so much energy trying to hide his feelings, that he didn't want to have to walk Trina through the fact that he was gay or queer or something. He at least knew that he was not straight. At least he didn't think so.

So what did he do? He flirted, very badly, with a cute guy at some party. And he flirted back! And he was in his bed! Somehow, in his drunken state, Marvin decided it was a good idea to fling himself at the first cute guy he saw. Well, maybe not the first... and this guy was pretty cute. And he felt more with him in one night than during his entire time with Trina.

Whizzer. That was his name. Whizzer.

Was that even his real name? I mean, what kind of person names their kid Whizzer? Not that Marvin disliked his name. He actually loved his name. But, Whizzer had to be a nickname, right? Or he was lying about his name.

And why would he have to lie about his name? If it was a lie, was he lying about anything else? Was he hiding something? Marvin had never gone and immediately hooked up with a guy before. Or anyone, for that matter. Hell, he had known Trina for months before they started dating! He had no idea what to expect with this guy!

Marvin had a sudden awareness of every place where Whizzer's body was in contact with his. This was wrong. This was so wrong. Not only was he sleeping with someone who he just met, but he was sleeping with a guy who he just met. As Marvin tried to wriggle out of Whizzer's arms, the taller man groaned.

"Marv?" He mumbled, still half asleep.

"Don't call me that!" Marvin spat.

Whizzer opened his eyes to a worried looking Marvin. "What's wrong, Marv?"

"I said not to call me that," Marvin repeated.

"Would you rather I call you sweetheart?" Whizzer smirked.

"Please... don't."

Whizzer sighed. "Ugh, you're no fun! Alright then, Marvin, what the hell is going on?"

"You, uh... You need to leave," Marvin breathed.

Whizzer frowned slightly, furrowing his brows, "And why is that?"

"Last night... I don't even know you! Please, just go."

"I think we know each other pretty well, if you know what I mean," Whizzer said with a wink. He winked! If Marvin wasn't so worried about the situation then he probably would've enjoyed it, maybe he would've even flirted back. But that's not what he did.

"Will you stop!"

"Stop what?" Whizzer replied, feigning innocence.

"Treating this like it's not a big deal! This was probably just another night to you, fucking whatever random guy you can find, but it was most definitely not! I don't do things like that! I just don't. I can't."

"Well, it looks like you do now," Whizzer pointed out.

"Shut up!" Marvin cried, "You don't get-"

"I wasn't done talking, Marv," Whizzer cut in, "Contrary to what you would like to believe, I don't actually throw myself at every guy I see. Do I flirt or see if someone will buy me a drink every once and awhile? Maybe snag a kiss? Sure. But I don't usually do anything more, Marv! You were the one going on and on about his ex and how gay he was! Plus, you were the one who brought me to your apartment! Not the other way around!"

"Fine!" Marvin yelled, before softening his voice, "Just, please, don't tell anyone."

"Oh, so now you're gonna act like this never happened? Go back to hiding in the closet? Where's the happy, open guy from last night?"

"Y'know, you can actually leave now," Marvin said, just wanting Whizzer to leave, beginning to not even care what Whizzer would say.

"Marvin... whatever your last name is! Listen to me! What is this about?"

"I-I was drunk! Okay? I was drunk a-and stupid!" Marvin cried.

"Why am I even surprised?" Whizzer hissed under his breath.

"But I remember everything! And I liked it! Every second! I like you! And that, um... That scares me."

"Listen, Marv, you don't have to be scared. Of anything. If you don't want me to, I don't have to tell anyone. But, uh, you wanted me to go, so..." Whizzer trailed off, beginning to get up from the bed.

"Wait!" Marvin felt himself saying. "Can you stay?"

"I was hoping you'd ask that," Whizzer grinned before laying back down.

Marvin wasn't quite sure what he was getting himself into, but he was willing to find out.

(A/N Hey! So sorry for the long break between chapters, but it took me a couple tries to get it right. More should be up soon! Let me know what you think! Stay swaggy!)

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