Oof I Forgot to do This Earlier so Here's Some Basic Info

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Hey! It's me!

So! There's a few things you should know before you keep reading:

1. This is a sequel to my other book: Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AU. So that might be important to read before you read this. But if you don't want to you don't have to. It might make this slightly more confusing, so I'd suggest reading the other one first, but it's up to you!

2. Time skips: This story is gonna jump around A LOT. Like, the prologue is 3 months after most of the story, but some will end up taking place after the prologue. I'm sorry! That sounds confusing, but when you read it I swear that it will make sense! So bear with me!

3. More musicals! So! I'm adding some Book of Mormon and Falsettos characters to my AU! It's basically gonna be one huge musical high school AU thing, I guess. But, I also want to add Newsies at some point. There are just so many Newsies that I figured it was better to start small, y'know? But lemme know whatcha think about that ok?

So yeah. I think that's it for now. Stay swaggy as always!

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