Chapter 3: Kevin

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Kevin's POV:

I woke up early on the first day of school. Almost too early. And that meant that I had time to eat breakfast, perfectly style my hair, spend 20 minutes picking out what to wear, and ponder why my parents are making me transfer schools. It's not like I really had any friends at my old school, but I still don't want to transfer. I've never been one for change. I know that it's Heavenly Father's will to send me to this new school, but a tiny part of me still wants to know why. I mean, if he has a reason for everything, then what's the reason for this?

I might know, but thinking about it makes me feel sick because thinking about this school makes me think about my brother. And that's the last thing I want to do.

I step in front of the mirror, making sure I look orderly before grabbing my backpack and preparing to leave. I decided to wear my old uniform today. Uniforms, no matter how much the other kids complained about them, could be beneficial. At least then I wouldn't have to spend forever thinking about what to wear. It's not like I have much else to wear anyways. If I spend half my time at school anyways, what's the point in buying a ton of extra clothes? Besides, the uniform isn't that bad. It's a plain, white, button-up shirt with black pants and a tie. What could be so bad about that?

I'm just about to leave when my dad pulls me aside. "Kevin, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course," I reply casually, "Just don't make me late on my first day."

"Alright. Kevin. Son,  I know that it's a... last minute decision to send you to a different school. And I know you don't take change well, but those kids at your old school... I know it was hard for you." I nod impatiently. They may have been annoying, stupid, and disgraces to Mormonism, but they weren't that bad. I mean, I turned out fine, so... "I know that you're a good kid, Kevin, and you would never do anything to disappoint us. That's why we're sending you there. I think that you could do those other kids some good. Maybe you could even convert some of them to the Mormon church! Imagine that! Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, be good. I know that you are a good kid, Kevin, but after your brother you have to wonder, 'Was he the problem or the school?' And I know that he was always a little... different. But I just want you to be careful. Make me proud, son."

I plaster a smile on my face, "I will." And then I rush out the door.


It's not until I'm inside the school that I realize how much I stick out. At my old school, we all wore the same thing. There was nothing to set us apart, show the odd ones out. Of course, when it came to personality, I stuck out like a sore thumb. Half of the people practically worshipped me and the other half desperately tried to show that they were above Mormonism, and since I followed the rules, that meant that they had to show that they were better than me too.

Here it's different. You can sort of tell how everyone fits in just by looking at them. 

There's people decked out in athletic clothes, some in plain old t-shirts and jeans, girls in leggings and sweatshirts, guys in khakis and weirdly colored polo shirts... The list goes on and on. I was supposed to meet some guy who was supposed to show me around at the front desk, but as good as I am at some things, I have no sense of direction. Of course, I'm not going to let anyone else know that though.

On my third way down a suspiciously familiar looking hallway, I bump into someone, causing me to stumble and fall. "Watch it!" I snap, turning to the boy standing above me. I don't mean to sound so annoyed, but I'm lost, tired, and a little stressed.

Finally looking at him, the first thing I notice is his sweater. It's an obnoxiously bright shade of pink. The sort of color that no one should ever wear. He has on a tight pair of black pants and white shoes. His red hair looks like he tried to tame it, but some strands still stick out a little bit. Freckles are scattered across his skin and he has these sea blue eyes that sparkle in the light. He was kind of... cute. "O-m-gosh! I am so sorry!" He cries, sticking out a pale hand to help me up.

I push it aside and pick myself off the floor. "It's fine," I reply, not meaning it.

"Okay... Uh, do you need some help?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I, uh, saw you walk down this hallway at least three times, probably more, and thought you might be lost. I haven't seen you around here, uh... Sorry. I never got your name."

"Kevin. Kevin Price. I'm new here."

"Well, Kevin Price, they probably want you to go to the front desk, right? I can take you there. Classes don't start for a little while, so I have time. Oh! And I'm Connor McKinley, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Connor," I say, attempting to seem polite.

"Um, you too? Look, if you don't mind me asking... what are you wearing?"

I glance down at my old uniform before explaining what it is to Connor.

"WHAT!" He yells, causing several people to look our way, "Sorry!" He says, waving them off. "What?" He says, quieter this time. "Are you kidding? You chose to wear a uniform here?"

"Yes?" I answer nervously.

"Kevin Price! We are going to have to get you some better clothes! Knock some fashion sense into you!"

"Says the guy in the hot pink sweater."

"Hey! You have to admit that it's kinda cute. C'mon! I saw you staring at it earlier. Makes a statement, y'know?"

"It makes quite the statement," I mutter to myself, low enough that Connor can't hear.

During the rest of the walk, I don't talk much. Occasionally I'll nod or shake my head or something, but I mostly just listen to Connor. And he lets me. I don't really keep track of where he's leading me. I mostly just look at him and look around at other people once and awhile.

Eventually we turn the corner to see a short guy with curly, black hair, glasses, and a Star Wars t-shirt leaning against a desk and talking to someone seated there. "Hey Arnold!" Connor waves and the boy at the desk breaks into a grin.

"Connor! And... wait, are you the guy I'm supposed to be taking around the school today?" Arnold cries, bustling with excitement.

"Uh, I'm Kevin. Price," I answer.

"YES!" Arnold screeches. "I am so happy to see you! I can tell already that we're gonna be best friends. I've never had a best friend before, but now I might! And you're a Mormon, right?" He asks before taking a deep breath as if he's going to scream some more. I nod. "YES! You're supposed to be one of the good ones too, right? My dad wanted me to meet you. Said I could probably learn a thing or two from you. Maybe now he'll be proud of me instead of just disappointed in me!" 

Connor goes pale before smiling awkwardly, "You, uh... You're a Mormon?"

"Do you have a problem with that?" I question.

"No!" He answers too quickly, "It's just, uh... no. I don't. I'm gonna go." And then he hurries off.

"What was that about?" I ask Arnold.

"Don't worry! Connor can get kinda jumpy sometimes. Especially around new people."

"Okay..." I trail off. I feel like there's more to it than that. I mean, Connor seemed fine when we were talking! It was just when we brought up Mormonism...

"We have to go to our lockers first," Arnold explains, "Yours is right next to mine too!" 


This is going to be... different. But I can deal with that, right? Yeah. I can deal with that.

"So! Do you like Star Wars?" Arnold asks.

Yep. This is going to be very different.

(A/N So! This one is a tiny bit longer, but it took me a little longer to get out! I've just been busy with the holidays and such, but anyways, I hope you like it! Lemme know whatcha think! Stay swanky!)

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