7 • Art

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"So you and Justin ?" Alexa says as she refills the napkin holder.

"What about me and him?" I ask.

"Well, there's clearly something going on between you two."

"Like what? Friendship?"

Alexa gives me a look. "You Like him and he likes you. It's so obvious."

"Alexa, Stop we're just friends."
She rolls her eyes. "Which is why you asked him to stay the night. Okay."

I blush. "It's nothing, it's nothing like that really." Before Alexa can make another smart comment, a customer comes to the counter.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks," I greet. It's some middle aged white guy with Sandy hair on his phone. "Yea can I get a Tall, Half-Caff, Soy Latte At 120 Degrees a Decaf, Soy Latte With An Extra Shot And Cream And a Tall, Non-Fat Latte With Caramel Drizzle."

"Of course."

I turn around and start getting his drinks. I hate customers like him. Such specific orders, like what's wrong with number 5 on the menu?

"Ma'am I'm kind of in a rush. There's a lot of traffic, I've got a meeting in twenty."

I don't answer him but put his three cups in a carrier and bring it to the counter.

"That will be fifteen twenty eight. Cash or credit?"

He swipes his card and thankfully, he leaves.

Alexa and I both take orders again so now we're both filling up coffees next to each other.

"Is Justin gonna take you to homecoming ?"
"I don't even know if I'm going."
"We all know you are. You should go with him."
"Why can't we go together?"
"Because Tyler's taking me."
"Has he asked?"
"Ariana. We're dating."
"Fair enough."

I put the lid on the coffee and give it to the customer. "Well, we should go dress shopping next Saturday."  I roll my eyes. "I don't think I'm gonna go. You know Zayn's gonna be there and it's just gonna be awkward."

"Well you see him everyday anyways." "Oh my gosh Alexa stop. I don't think I'm going to hoco but I will go dress shopping."

"That's a start."

Alexa goes in the back to grab something - or hide from customers - as I turn around to wipe off the counter. Since Alexa and I have proven to be the most clumsy Starbuck workers ever.

"Excuse me. May you take my order."

"Of cour-" and it's Zayn. With Selena. He whispered something in her ear and she leaves and go sits in a booth.

I clear my throat and go to the counter. "What would you like to order?"

"Umm, I don't really drink here. What would you recommend."

I grit my teeth. "Unsure, What most people drink here is by preference."

"Well what do you drink?"

"Can I take your order please?"

"Fine babe."


"Baby can you get me a Triple, Venti, Soy, No Foam Latte and my girl will take a Triple, Venti, Half Sweet, Non-Fat, Caramel Macchiato."

I turn around and start to make his drinks. I can feel him staring at me. I hate him so much. He came here on purpose, he knows I work here.

I turn around and bring his drinks to the counter. "So. You going to homecoming?"

My True Love ; a jariana story Where stories live. Discover now