"So how has everything been around here?" I asked Janice as she sat down and picked up her magazine that was open.

"Oh, everything is going good. Your father and I have been thinking about moving, but I'm not sure if I want to do that. I really want to remodel the house if anything."

I nodded my head as I continued to gaze at my surroundings. "So have you talked to Jahseh? Does he know you're out here?" She asked me.

"Um, no. I was actually gonna go surprise him. Have you talked to him?"

"You know, I actually talked to him today. I remember him telling me that he and his friends were going to the mall not too long ago."

"Stokeley and Isaiah?" It felt weird to say Ski and Wifi's government names. I'm surprised I even remember that.

"Yeah, and I think his friend Jocelyn is with them too."

I nodded my head, ignoring my curiosity on who Jocelyn is. "Oh alright, perfect. I'll just go surprise them."

She smiled at me. "Alright, sweetie. Are you coming back later?"

"Yeah, I am." I said, and she nodded her head in approval, allowing me to leave. I walked outside and closed the front door behind me before walking to my rental car and getting in it before driving off in the direction of the mall.


I walked inside of the mall as my eyes scanned the scattered groups of people. Looking through nearby stores, I carefully looked through the windows, hoping that Jahseh was still here. Just as I was about to give up and call him, I saw a head of half blonde and half black dreads appear out of Foot Locker. Jahseh, I thought as I smirked to myself.

A tan skinned girl with blonde hair walked out of the store right behind him, along with Ski, WiFi, and Sky. She moved in with WiFi not too long after we graduated high school, since she liked where we lived better. She still had the nerve to say they weren't together, but we knew she was bullshitting.

I crept slowly upon them before jumping on Sky's back, causing her to yell out. "Yo, what the fuck?!" She angrily yelled, getting the entire group's attention towards us. A smile appeared on the boys' faces as the girl looked confused. Sky swung me off of her and looked at my face, realizing it was me.

"Oh shit, bitch! What the hell?! When did you come out here?!" She exclaimed before pulling me into a bear hug. I groaned in agony as I let out a laugh.

"Girl, let me go! I got here this morning." I laughed as she let me go, only for WiFi to repeat her actions. "Goddamn it!"

"Hey jit! We missed you!" He said as he gave me one final squeeze before letting me go.

"I missed you guys too." I said before I gave Ski a hug. I stopped at Jahseh and smirked at him as he returned the look.

"Your hair got longer." He said with a smile, showing off his grill.

"So did your dreads." I smirked. He chuckled as he pulled me into a tight hug. It felt so good to be in his arms again after these past months. I missed him so much.

He glanced at the girl next to him and let out an "oh" before letting me go. "Kehlani, this is my friend, Jocelyn. Jocelyn, this is Kehlani."

Jocelyn looked at me and smiled kindly. "Hi."

I gave her a friendly smile and nodded my head towards her. "Nice to meet you."

"So Kehlani, how long are you staying out here?" Sky asked me.

Distract Me [Kehlani×XXXTentacion]Where stories live. Discover now