Chapter 15: Friendship

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"Yeah, think you can come in here real quick?" he responds. I slowly open the door and before my eyes, I see Jason with a gold sword at his throat. The bearer of this sword is none other than the only other person in the room, Sky. 

"Sky? What are you doing?" I ask. I'm really scared on what his intentions are. What if he plans to kill Jason. Not only will I lose a friend but Adri will be heart-broken. This is her first boyfriend and I'm sure she doesn't plan on losing him just yet. I have to tell Adri straight away, but I have to do it in a way where I'm not telling her. I'll leave her a note. That way I'm not really telling her. Because she will be reading something written not said. I quickly make a note and lay it down on her desk. Hopefully she will see it. I turn around and head back to my room. I'm still in my pjs. I find a nice t-shirt that has my minecraft skin on it. I put on some ripped dark skin jeans and a pair of red converse. I make my way to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I usually think I look fugly but today I look pretty decent. I walk out of my bathroom door only to meet with a familiar face. 

"I told you not to tell her" he says. 

"I didn't. I left her a note" I reply, backing up a bit. 

"That's still telling her" He retorts, inching closer.

"No it isn't. I didn't speak, I wrote" I argue, again backing up more. 

"Your going to pay for what you've done" Sky says. I'm pinned onto the wall now, with no escape. I'm helpless right now. I have nowhere to run. Sky grabs my arm and pulls me out of the bathroom. It's currently 11 A.M. so Adri should be up by now. She usually gets up around this time out of habit from school. Although, occasionally she will sleep until 2 P.M. We don't bother her about it anymore. We all learned our lesson the first time. Sky pulls out his sword and points it towards me. I stare in horror. The blade has streaks of dry blood on it. Poor Jason right now. He must be hurt so much. And for what reason? I don't know. 

Sky still held me in his arm until Adri bursts into the room. "SKY, YOU MOTHERFUCKER! First you make fun of my favorite story in one of your videos. Now, you steal my boyfriend and seems to me your trying to take my best friend. You put her down and face me. I'll be your opponent" Adri shouts. Mitch, Seto and the others are behind her. She takes one step into the room and the door shut behind her. The others can be heard banging on the door outside. 

"How dare you" Sky says, dropping me to the floor. 

"How dare I?" Adri questioned. 

"How dare you speak to me as if your higher than me" Sky yells, pointing his blade at Adri. She sees the blood and gasps. 

"The fuck did you do to Jason, mate?" Adri says, her other half clearly coming to surface. Fun fact about Adri, she talks in an Australian/British accent when she's pissed off. Sky picks me up once again and holds the blade to my throat as he did to Jason earlier. However, he held my hands behind my back. 

"Either you let me be or she dies," Sky says moving forward. 

"And what the fuck you gunna do to her when you leave, mate. You gunna play tea party or some shit, mate. Cuz' I can tell by looking at you right now those aren't your real intentions. I know who your working for" Adri yells taking a few steps forward. 

"How? How would you know?" Sky says a little shocked but he holds his ground. 

"Do realize, your not the only one in the room with powers, jackass" Adri says, her form beginning to  change even more so than usual. Her shirt and shoes were galaxy. Her wings were more like galaxy wings and her cat tail and ears come back. A galaxy bow appears in her hand and her eyes turn purple. Her form changes to look similar to her minecraft skin more. Adri shoots a few arrows at Sky but he easily puts up a forcefield and blocks them. The boy disappears and she lights her hands with purple flames and smashes the two flames together to make one bigger flame. She throws it at Sky and he blocks it with his sword. While he was doing that I elbow him in the gut, which causes him to let go of me. I begin to run when I am pulled by my hair. I have long hair that I plan to cut soon but Sky took care of that for me. He used his blade to try and decapitate me but he only got my hair.  Adri looks shocked at first but she seemed to like the new hair. I turn around to Sky and then my surroundings change. I am in a cell. I look around a bit more and notice that I am in a basement of some sort of old prison. I am in a cell with someone. They are staring daggers at me. They also look vagely familair. I can't tell if it is a he or a she. The person jumps off the bed and come into my view. It's Katie. She lives in Michigan and we never did get to meet her. Adri only met her once when she went to San Diego Comic Con. 

"Katie!" I shout. 

"Shelby?! What the fuck are you doing here?" Katie asks. 

"I don't fucking know. I was just with Adri and Sky when I got teleported here" I answer.

"Weird, the same happened to me and Zaph" Katie says. 

"Wait, Zaph is here?"  I question. 

"Yeah, At least he should be. I saw him earlier in the cell opposite us" Katie says, pointing to the cell across from us. 

"ZAPH!!" I shouted. 

"Shelby? Is that you?" I hear the Danish boy speak. I smile. Thank Chesus he is here. I can finally hug him. 

"Yeah. It's me, Zaph!" I answer him. 

"OH MY GOSH!! Shelby, why are you here? Did he get you too?" Zaph asks, concerned. 

"I honestly don't know who sent me here. I was just with Adri and Sky then I got teleported" I reply. 

"Fuck" Zaph mutters under his breathe. I sit back on the bed and wonder how Adri was doing. I hope she isn't hurt. It would be a shame if she was. 

"Oh yeah, Have you guys seen Jason?" I ask out of curiosity and concern. 

"He...isn't doing so great" Katie answers.

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"Herobrine is torturing him. Beating him up and such" Zaph says. 

"That's terrible! We need to do something!" I demand. 

"We can't or else we get beaten" Katie says, showing a pretty recent bruise on her arm. 

"I'll figure something out. I have to" I whisper. A noise is heard in the distance. I can hear a small conversation going on.

One voice says "Master, she has escaped". The sound of banging comes and then someone else spoke. 

"What direction did she go?" the voice says. The other person replies "East".


Welp, I finally updated. I am sorry it took me so long but it was very difficult with school and such. I have a computer class last period, however, and so I go on wattpad in my free time.

Pls go and vote here 

I need to know what to post next on my channel. I am starting a new series soon but for now I'm going to do something like this.

If I do the Q&A please tweet me a question

Thanks so much wonderlanders and I will see you all next time

Bye for now wonderlanders,

AdriWonderland x

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