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I wake up to Dan's snoring, like always. I have to pee anyways, since this baby is pushing on my bladder all the time. It's a boy, and I couldn't wait. I want to be a mother so bad, and sadly, Candace and Colleen don't see me as one. I'm not much younger than Daniel, but obviously young enough for them to resent me.

I sit up, and see blood all over the sheets. I immediately assume it's me. I go to the bathroom and check my pants. But no blood was there. My baby was still alive, he was kicking crazily.

Dan is waking up, and is realizing the blood. "Dan," I say terrified.

"Kelly, please, I promise." He pleads.

"Stay away from me!" I yell and run out of the room.

He had a bloody nose. That means he is going to turn into man eating zombie, who will kill me and my baby.

"Kelly!" He yells.

"Nothing is the matter with me!" He keeps calling.

I ignore him as I put on a coat and shoes. "Kelly Frank Makentire you have to believe me!"

I stop to breath. I was 8 months pregnant, I couldn't move very fast, and when I do, it doesn't last for very long. Dan walks up behind me.

I turn around to look him in the eye. They aren't white. He looks normal. His bloody nose stopped. His veins weren't bulging. He wasn't trying to eat me.

He slowly puts his hand on my belly and his other hand on my shoulder. He kisses my forehead. "I don't have it." He comforts.

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