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Goodbye with sorrow, leaves a scar that is so deep
And sometimes, all you can do is silently weep
But Goodbye with love, brings a special feeling of not being blue
'Coz you know that this separation is the start of something new

Goodbye without reason, will give you a long lasting pain
Not knowing what went wrong and you can only cry in the rain
But Goodbye with courage, will make you confident and strong
'Coz You know that you will find a place in this world where you truly belong

Goodbye with unwillingness, will give you a painful start
And in your journey, you will have a very heavy heart
But goodbye with hope, erase all the helplessness alone in the bay
'Coz you know that God will help  the both of you inorder to meet again in your way

Goodbye with hatred, will make you Tumble and fall
And It will really be hard for you to stand tall
But Goodbye with confidence, brings light in the dark
And Gradually, you will succeed and become a large spark

There are thousands of goodbyes with different meanings
But the most common one, is a goodbye that leaves an aching feeling
All in all, Goodbyes are really hard to say so other believes that it's better to leave without the other seeing
But don't fret; Goodbyes are after all just a start of a new beginning and not the stories real ending

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