Final Farewell😥😭

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All of our memories together, brings such sweet sorrow
Knowing that, you will no longer be with us when we wake up again tomorrow

How much we miss you, you probably didn't know
If time go back we would fight and never let go

I stay up thinking about you all night long
And tried to figure out why you had to die all along
I never got a chance to have a proper goodbye
And all I could do is stay strong even though I wanna cry

Seven years had past  and I still find myself In pain
My tears still fall down but I know they are not in vain
'Coz you are always inside the deepest part of my heart
Even though destiny had plans and torn us apart

I miss you so much TATAY
You're gone, but your memories will always stay
Goodbye, this is my final proper farewell to you
May you find a place in heaven, and live there anew

In this point, I learned that you need to love your grandfathers and hug them tight
Show them your grateful and hold them upright
Make them fell special in every  single day
'Coz someday they may suddenly disappear without you knowing all the way

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