Life is not always in prime💯📢

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They say, Life is more like an unfinished story where we are the writer
We weaves our own destiny, so we just have to hold on our goals tighter
And we know that In every page , it brings abrupt changes and turns
However, at the end of the day, it is known that the one who read it learns

They say, life is like a movie where people keep coming and going
There is never a dead end; so dude, stop sulking and continue fighting
Just live your life to the fullest and forget about all the UN worthy sorrow
'Coz maybe a new beginning is about to commence when you wake up again tomorrow

They say life is a gamble   dominated with twist and uncertainty
So play your turns, in order to achieve your upset victory
And face your trials and tribulations with a smile everday
'Coz god will guide you so that you  will find your way

They say, life is a drama where everything could changed
The characters just have to be ready and prepared
Because it is unplanned and is not a show
Unexpected things may happen when we don't know

They say life is a mystery, that is impossible to solve
Every minute that passed, it has the possibility to evolve
It can be a blessing if you focus in all achievements that is positive
But it can be a bane, if you focus on the insecurities and the negative

They say, life is a long Journey but you have to face it
It is a troublesome struggle you must admit
But life is such and you must find your own way and stay
In order for you to be able to choose and have your say

But for me, life is a game about losing and winning
There may come a moment, when you will come home with nothing
But it has it reasons, why it is so dull at times
It reminds you that life is not easy and sometimes you are not always in prime

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