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Eloise woke up the next morning to find that Asher had tucked her in bed the previous night. She smiled. Funny how each individual of the same kind can be so different. She stood up and immediately had to sit back down because of her head hurting. She groaned and clutched her head, trying to make the pain go away. It didn't however, and when Asher found her awake, he did exactly what he had said he would do. He sat down, watched her groan, and laughed. "You could at least get me something." Eloise said. Asher stalled for a bit. "Nah, I don't think I want to. I actually enjoy seeing you like this." He laughed while saying. Eloise shot him a murderous glare and he visibly gulped. He went and got something from the other room and said, "Alright, alright, don't pounce on me, tiger." Eloise rolled her eyes. As she drank the water with the Advil he had brought her, she watched him carefully, while he just sat there.

"I know many people who, without a second thought, would've tried to take advantage of the condition I was in last night." Eloise said.
"Well, I guess all I can tell you then, is that you should not "know" them in any way if that's the case." Asher said awkwardly.
Eloise had a stoic expression. "You're a good guy Asher. Don't let this world ruin you."
And just like that, as Eloise stood up, the conversation marked its end. She didn't want to have such an awkward conversation, but she felt as if it was needed to be said. She sighed loudly. "Well, I have nowhere to go, but I should take my leave." Asher looked at her. He asked, "Already? Where will you go?", "Yes. I have work that needs to be done." Eloise said, suddenly feeling something strange, sucking in air. She took a deep breath. "I hope we meet again Asher." She said. "Of course we will." Asher said, standing up. "You don't know that. It depends entirely on if my "work" gets done in my favor." Eloise said. "I don't get it." Asher said. "You don't need to." Eloise said. She then went downstairs, Asher following her, and took Asher's phone from the coffee table.

"I still don't see why you want that." Asher said. "I don't want it. I need it." Eloise said, examining the phone. "What did you do yesterday when you first took my phone?" Asher asked. "Something that needed to be done." Eloise answered, walking towards the door. "Stop with the vague answers, c'mon." Asher said, annoyed. Eloise just waved at him and jumped out through one of the open windows. "Hey! You can't just jump out of..." Asher said, but Eloise heard no more as she had already taken off, running.

And that's all she did. She ran and ran, through the streets, and even jumping over cars where there was traffic. She was glad that she had maintained enough fitness, so that when she reached Edgewood Delta Harbour Academic Establishment, she was breathing only slightly heavily.

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