Chapter 8: Strategy

Comenzar desde el principio

When Garrett has finished several bowls of stew, he pushes it away with a sigh. He picks his coffee cup off the table, and drinks deeply. "So, let's get this started. Training. First off, I'm supposed to ask you if you would like to train separately. Decide now."

"I don't have any secret skills or anything, so it doesn't matter to me. You?" I say, asking Ryder.

"You can coach us together." Ryder says. I nod.

"All right. Harry tells me you're pretty good with a bow, there, Alexandra- well, excuse me, I believe he said that was your strongest weapon. Apparently your new nickname should be sharpy?" Garrett asks, and winks to make clear he knows he's over exaggerating.

"Something like that." I reply.

Ryder scoffs. "If he's going to help you, he needs to know what you are capable of. Garrett, what you just said pretty much sums it up, plus more."

I blush, and don't say anything quick enough.

"Okay then... What can you do?" Garrett asks.

"Not much. Can lift stuff, throw stuff. Suppose I could learn to better handle a knife- never tried anything else." Ryder tells him.

Garrett rubs his freshly shaven chin. "Hmm... Well, it isn't nothing, that's for sure."

"Are you kidding? He can lift and throw more than anyone else in our district." I tell Garrett. "That isn't nothing."

"Yes, and I'm sure there will be lots of crates of fruit to chunk at people's heads. It isn't like being able to handle a weapon, and you know it!" Ryder snaps at me.

"Well at least when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, you've got a chance! If I get jumped, I'm dead!" I say, my voice close to a shout.

"But what are the chances of that happening? You'll be living up in some tree eating berries and picking people off with arrows. You know, everyone around the district was saying, "we could have a winner this year, we could. She's a fighter, that's for sure." She's a fighter. They don't have any hope in me. For their sake, I hope you make it back." Ryder yells back.

That stops me cold. I didn't know they had said anything of the sort. I wonder if he was lying. They hardly knew me. But then I see the pain in Ryder's eyes, and I know he was telling the truth.

"Only because I didn't have a choice." I whisper.

Ryder looks down at his hands. "Doesn't matter. People will still help you in the arena. They'll be fighting with each other to sponsor you."

"No more than they will you." I say.

He rolls his eyes, and looks to both Garrett and Harry. "She doesn't see the affect she has on people, does she?"

What in the world does he mean? People help me? When my family was dying of starvation, no one helped me! I was out there in the woods alone, while Xavier tried to find jobs from neighbors! If anything, Xavier was the one that they pitied- I never gave them the chance. So what was his issue? I don't look up from my hands, sure he meant to insult me somehow.

After a minute or two of this, Garrett picks back up the conversation. "Well then. Alexandra, I'm sure you have already seen or been told that there is no guarantee there will be bows and arrows in the arena, but during your private sessions, make sure it's something you show them. Until then, stay clear of archery. No need to give them something to be afraid of. Are you any good at trapping?"

"Not really. Can't really catch anything with them back home. I know one or two basic ones though." I mutter.

"That could save your life. And she is right, Ryder, never underestimate strength in the arena. Very often, physical power is the difference between life and death. The Training Center will have weights, but steer clear of them," he tells Ryder, "and the both of you- learn some snares, throw a spear, swing a mace, learn to tie a decent knot. Stay together, and learn some new things. Clear?"

"Crystal." I mumble, while Ryder simply nods.

Harry speaks up now. "And another thing- I would like for you both to be by each other's side every time you are in public- And don't argue with me!" Harry raises his voice as Ryder and I start to object. "It is not open for discussion, as you both have already agreed to listen to me. Now, you both are dismissed to meet Felicia at the elevator in five minutes for training."

I bite my check and stalk into my room, slamming the door loud enough for hopefully them all to hear, at least for Ryder. It's all such a joke! Ryder and I, pretending to go around like friends. Talking up each other's strengths and everything else. Because at some point, we are going to be tossed into that arena, and I don't know what they think, but they are going to have to accept that we become enemies when that clock sounds. I'd kill the act right now, had I not promised to listen to Harry. I should have asked to be coached separately. That would have fixed all of this.

I still hear Ryder's voice in my head, every other sentence coming out of his mouth a compliment towards me. It felt weird, how much he'd been taking interest in me.

I don't have much time to dwell in those thoughts, because soon we are loaded onto the elevator, and dropped down to the lower level in an instant. We are the last few to arrive, and I feel again every pair of eyes staring straight at me. Calculating, guessing, angry, superior. So many different eyes, so many different emotions. All of them directed towards me, and none of them looking good.

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