Demon Hunter

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didn't think many people would actually read this so thank you all :)

anyways continue reading...


Thats exactly what Me and Sam did. We found a Case.

There was some small town around the area, a few murders, people going missing so, Sam and I decided to go check it out.

I drove the impala all the way down. It felt good driving her again. Can't doubt that.

When we arrived it was quiet. Too quiet. No people. Nothing was moving at all. The streets were bare and the cars that were parked along the roads were upside down. Then I could almost sense someone was there,  more like something was there.

"Sammy" I whispered and pointed down near the back of the building we were standing at.

We walked around the back, slowly and quietly but a group of people jumped out at us. They got Sammy first.

"Dean!" He yelled as one of the held a knife to his neck.

"Don't move boy" The man said, with an evil grin.


I could tell just by the was his voice sounded. Just by the way he was acting.

I laughed at him as he threatened to kill Sam. And then, with a flick of my hand I threw the demon away from Sam and slammed him into the wall.

He screamed out it pain as his head slammed aginst the wall. He gasped for a breath as my power became stronger I wanted to gank him. Then and there. Squeeze the smoke out of him and send back down to hell. But something was stopping me.

I looked over at Sam who was watching me with sad eyes.

"Don't do it Dean" He almost begged.

"Sammy, I need to gank him, he needs to die." I took a deep breath as the demon began coughing, black smoke coming out of his mouth, little by little.

"Dean!" Sammy yelled again, but it was too late. I made a fist with my hand and the demon let out a cry as the smoke poured out of his mouth like a waterfall.

"God that felt good" I said quietly so Sam couldnt hear me.

I looked over at Sam but he just shook his head and walked back to the impala.

"Dean, why? Do you remember when I had to stop using my demonic powers?"

"Yeah Sammy, I remember telling you to stop, but you going behind my back with that Ruby chick, and using them anyway!"


"So don't even think about telling me to stop Sam!" I yelled.

"Dean, Stop. Trust me, you don't want this" Sam tried to calm me, but I didn't care. He went behind my back how many times? With that Ruby and did a load of things!

"Dammit Sammy!" I yelled, smashing the window of the impala. Sam just stood there, quietly, not saying a word.

"Screw this!" I yelled and turned around,  walking away from Sam and my old life.

"Come on Dean! Just get in the car, we'll go find Cas, we'll help you Dean."

"No Sam, See ya later" I said before flashing my black eyes at him for the last time, and then I found myself somewhere else, somewhere dark.

"Hello?" I said quietly at the dark figure infront of me.


Who is it!!?!?!?!

Can anyone guess??

Mwahahaha :D


Demon DeanWhere stories live. Discover now