New Years

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"Chris don't forget the streamers!" Gracie yelled to her boyfriend who was busy blowing up balloons. 

"Go grab them," Chris said, taking a deep breath to blow up the last few balloons. Gracie nodded and went to the other room, where the part supplies lay in a big pile. Both she and Chris were very passionate about the holidays, especially New Year's Eve because it was another year to enjoy being in the band and create new music. 

Gracie grabbed the black and gold streamers going back into the main room where they would have everybody hang out

"It's not a party without streamers!" Gracie announced handing them to Chris who only gave her an amused look and a head shake.

Chris got all the streamers up and kicked all the balloons around. On the large flat screen tv, the New Years countdown was on, along with some music in the background.

A knock at the door snapped both Gracie and Chris out of there trance of watching the tv. Gracie popped up and went to the door opening it up. Ricky and Madeline stood there at the door and smiled when Gracie opened the door 

"Hey, guys!" Gracie smiled and moved so they could get in. 

Madeline was wearing a black dress, similar to Gracies but wasn't skin tight, the skirt went out a bit and her legs were covered with black fishnet stocking, she was only a little shorter than Ricky and taller than Gracie. But then again pretty much everyone was taller than her.

"Vin, Ryan, and Balz should be here soon, I think they stopped to get champagne," Ricky said taking off his black jacket, hanging it on the hook.

Gracie nodded "I figured they would, we don't have any here. Chris doesn't let me drink much" she smiled and they walked back to the living room. Chris was in the kitchen, getting cups out along with appetizers such as cheese, fruit and vegetable plates.

"Hey, Rick" Chris called when he saw Ricky walk into the room "Wheres everyone else?" He asks, setting the last set of cups down on the kitchen counter. 

"They stopped to grab some champagne and whine," Ricky stated and took a seat on one of the bar stools that sat in front of the counter.

Chris nodded and looked at Gracie for a moment. Gracie looked back up at her boyfriend and sighed "Don't worry I'm not gonna drink babe, ill just get tipsy off of sparkling grape juice" 

That made Chris smile and wrap his arms around her "I know baby, I just worry" he said and kissed her forehead.

Gracie completely understood why he didn't want her drinking. Whenever she did she got out of hand and turned into the devil. It was something that Gracie wasn't proud of and wish she could change the fact that she ever started drinking. Gracie moved and went to sit next to her best friend.

"Hey girly," Gracie said plopping down next to her. Madeline smiled looking over at her 

"You look nice tonight," Madeline said looking at Gracies makeup and dress

"I'm so uncomfortable in this, it's tight as shit" Gracie laughed, tugging at the dress collar. 

The black lace dress was pretty tight, and surprisingly a little too small for her. Most of her clothes were either too big or just right, but never too small. 

"Why don't you change then?" Madeline asked her with an amused smile 

"Because I want to look nice," Gracie said.

A little while longer and everyone else showed and they piled into the living room, Chris and Gracie sat down on a chair, with Gracie on his lap. Ricky and Madeline sat together on the black love seat. Vinny, Balz, and Ryan sat on the couch.

"Ok guys, how about we all say our favorite moment of this year together," Ricky said and looked at Madeline and then at everyone else. They all nodded in agreement

"ill go first" Balz said and smirked, "My favorite moment of this year was when Gracie beat up Chris's ex." 

Gracie blushed when he said that and everyone laughed "Nobody messes with my man" She said and kissed Chris. Chris kissed her back sweetly. 

"Gracie you're next," Balz said to Gracie.

Gracie bit her lip "My favorite part of this year was probably meeting you guys. I don't know what id be doing without you guys. Especially you Chris" She said and looked up at her boyfriend. Chris smiled down at her and leaned in kissing her lovingly 

"You to baby," he said when he pulled away from the kiss. 

"ew thank you next!" Vinny said childishly getting a glare from Chris. 

"Ok, my favorite moment was when Ricky got us kicked out of Mcdonalds by getting stuck in the slide at the play place." Vinny said smirking at Ricky who rolled his eyes and said "You guys are never gonna let me forget that are you" he sighed

"You got that right" Balz said laughing.

By the time they were all finished talking about their favorite moments of the year, it was 11:45. Gracie got up going to the kitchen, pouring herself a cup of sparkling grape juice. She sighed looking at everyone goofing around. She truly was happy to have them. Chris stood up and walking to the kitchen looking at Gracie with a smile.

"I'm proud of you baby," Chris said taking a drink of his grape juice

"for what?" Gracie asked looking up at him

"For not drinking," He said, softly laying his hand on hers. Gracie smiled looking at his hand on top of hers, how much bigger his hand was always made her smile. 

"It's not a big deal, I just don't want to do it anymore," She said and before she could finish Vinny yelled,

"come on lovebirds its almost time!" 

Chris took her hand and they both walked back into the front room, sitting down on the chair. It was 11:59 and there were 30 seconds left. We all count down together 




As soon as they all said one they cheered and screamed loudly. Gracie and Chris were busy kissing passionately and so were Ricky and Madeline. Gracie pulled away and looked at CHris's intense hazel eyes with her blue ones, feeling his hot breath on her lips. 

"Happy new year baby" He whispered


i know this was centered mainly around Chris and Gracie, I just didnt know what else to write. i hope you all have an amazing 2019)

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