Cuddles// Vinny Mauro fluff

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I lay groaning quietly, my arms wrapped around my chest and my knees curled up. My stomach felt like it was being stabbed and was about to explode. My boyfriend of 10 months lay beside me, sleeping soundly, his chin length hair sprawled our around him and on his perfectly etched face. I couldn't help but smile a little, he looked so peaceful.

Suddenly I felt my stomach churn and nausea hit me like a racecar. I groaned and threw the caramel colored comforter of and dashed to the bathroom. As soon as my knees hit the floor in front of the porcelain toilet, my dinner came up, burning my throat. I coughed and sputtered as I barfed my guts out.

Another pair of feet hit the floor and Vinny hurried into the bathroom with a worried look.
"Aw baby" he said and held my hair back softly until I was done, rubbing his calloused hand up and down my back soothingly.
"You ok now?" He asked pulling me into his arms, flushing the toilet. I nodded slowly and he pressed his chin to my head.

"Feels like you have a fever" he said and helped me up "Balz got you sick huh" he joked a little and I gave a pitiful laugh.
"Brush your teeth ok and I'll set up a movie for us." He said and I nodded going to the sink, brushing the terrible taste out of my mouth.

When I was done I walked out back to the room we shared, Vinny had remade the covers and was now putting on The Addams Family. I couldn't help but smile, he was so sweet. I truly loved him. The funny thing is he is a extremely heavy sleeper, but whenever I was in pain or couldn't sleep he would eventually wake up and comfort me until we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

I heard the beeping of the microwave and he turned the movie on
"I'll go get your soup" he said and hurried out of the room. He must really want to make me feel better. I crawled on to the bed and buried myself under the covers, before he came back with a small bowl of Chicken noodle soup.

A large smile spread across my hot face.
"Aww baby!" I whined happily as he set it down beside me on my bedstand.
"I want you to feel better" he chuckled and got into bed next to me, pulling me close to his chest. He grabbed the remote and started the movie.

I ate my chicken noodle soup and we stayed up watching horror movies until 12 in the afternoon.

(I deceided to just do A fluff of Vinny just for something quick to write)

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