Barista boy//Ricky Horror

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(I know the title is cliche😂😂)

"(Y/N)! Come here for a moment" my boss called. I sighed and took the last order before my coworker took over the cash register for me. I walked to the back where we kept all of the extra things for our coffees.
My boss was a short woman with burgundy hair that was up in a messy bun.
"I need you to train the new guy for me. My daughter is sick and I need to pick her up from school."

Oh great.

"Ok... Well what's his name?" I ask for future reference
"His name is Ricky Olson" she answered, scrambling around to get all of her things together.
I nodded "ok. Tell Teresa I said get better" I say as she walks out
"I will!" She called.

I was a close friend to her so sometimes I watched her daughter and just came over for birthdays party's, she called me Auntie (Y/N). I didn't have any siblings, or children of my own so I treat her like my own daughter.

"(Y/N) the new guys here" one of my co-workers called and I sighed, walking out to greet him.

I was stunned to see a man, maybe in his early 20s, shorter than the average guy but taller than me. He had sky blue eyes and black locks that framed his pale face perfectly. His pierced lips lifted up in a small smile
"Hey. I'm Ricky" he said his voice was kind of deep and definitely sexy.
"Hi I'm (Y/N)" I say and shook his hand.
"So my boss had to leave early to get her daughter from school, looks like I'll be training you" I say and his face seemed to light up at that. A small part of me thought he was really cute. His smile was so bright.
"Ok cool." He said nodding, the smile never leaving his face.

I led him back out to the front area where we prepared the craft coffees and frappes.
"Ok so first off, you'll be taking orders first" I said leading him to an open cash register.

I showed him what to click when given an order. Then showed him how to make a basic dark roast coffee. After showing him how to do everything a few times I let him take an order.

Three blonde girls were next, they all looked at Ricky in a way of disgust.
"Hi welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you" Ricky said in a polite voice.
"Oh are you taking our order?" One of the girls asked, the tallest.
"Um yeah" Ricky answered, I could see he was getting a little uncomfortable by the way that were starting at him.
"I didn't know they allowed people like you to work here" Another girl said and I slowly felt anger bubble up inside of me.
"Excuse me?" Ricky asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I mean what kind of guy wears makeup. You look weird" One giggled. Ricky clenched his fists and I could tell he was getting pissed, so I stepped in.
"Ok you guys either need to leave or stop criticising him" I said stepping next to Ricky.
"Ew another one" and they all laughed. I rolled my eyes
"Well it's better than being a bunch of bleach blonde Jersey Shore wannabes" I spat and all of them quieted down "so either grow the fuck up or leave" I say and they all shut up, and stopped smiling.
Ricky looked at me with an amazed look. I looked back at him and walked away, feeling the anger boiling down inside of me.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Ricky call as I walked away, I turned around and looked at him.
"Thanks for helping me with that shit" he thanked "I was about to sock one of them"
"No problem. Can't lose your job on the first day" I chuckled.

(Ok so I finished this in Choir. Some dumb bitch wanted to start in on me so I'm pissed rn

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