Ricky // i miss you

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It's been 3 weeks. And I still can't get him out of my head. Oh God I love him so god damn much. I just want him back.

If your wondering what happened.... Well we had an argument the night before he left. For the third time that month he was gone later than he promised. Always telling me
"Sorry babe, we had problems with the sound system" or "I lost track of time"

I was done. I was done being alone in the house, with my own thoughts to drive me insane. He knew how much I depended on him, I am a literal wreck without him.

Right now I put up against the wall of my apartment, my head in my hands. I'm going to end it. Ricky doesn't want me. He was all I had, and my dumb ass left him.

Shakily I stand up, walking slowly to the bathroom, my sobs getting louder. Frantically I searched through the cabinets until I had 3 different bottles and a pack of razors. I slowly unscrewed the first bottle and dumped it out in my hand, quickly throwing them into my mouth, dry swallowing them all. I coughed and choked on a few and fell to my knees. I could already feel my head starting to spin. I grabbed the pack of razors, ripping it open.

Every breath I took hurt more and more, my hands were shaking as I called out Ricky's name. If I die at least his name will be the last word on my lips. I pulled up the sleeves of my black sweatshirt and drug the razor roughly across my wrists. I knew there was no going back this time. My skin split, showing the next layer of skin.

"Oh God!" I cried and laid back against the wall. My whole world started to go dark, the darkness fading my vision away. Everything went black.

Ricky's POV

I ran up the stairs to (y/n)s apartment. I needed her back now. I was gonna take her back, prove to her that I loved her. I got to the door and knocked three times. No answer so knocked once again but louder. Deep down inside I knew something was wrong. She is here. I saw her car in the parking lot.

"(Y/n)!" I call and bang on the door "oh God" I say and step back and few times, readying myself to bust in the door. I ran at the wood door with all my strength and speed, busting the door off it's hinges.

The inside was trashed, the shattered on the floor. I knew exactly what happened. She had breakdowns and was violent to anyone and anything during those break downs. I was the only one that could ever calm her down.

"(Y/N)!" I call again and check the kitchen. Nothing. I ran down the hall to the bathroom, opening the door up quickly, I nearly threw up at the sight of my love on the door in a pool of her own blood.
"Oh God (Y/n)!" I cried out and cradled her body.

She was barely breathing and so pale. Why did she do this to herself. Did our break up really make her do this? I grabbed my phone, tears already spilling from my eyes as I dialed 911

"911, what's your emergency"

"M-my girlfriend she's hurt herself really bad, she's passed out and barely breathing" I cried

"Ok I'm sending the ambulance now" the operator said and only nodded, burying my face in my poor girls neck.

It wasn't long until the medics bursted in, taking her limp body away from me. They basically had to pull her away from me. The put her on a stretcher and into the ambulance, they allowed me to climb in with her, I sat on a small bench.

The medics simply wrapped some medical tape with a medical wrap around the open cuts on her already scarred arms. I held her cold limp hand, more tears falling down my face. I could only blame myself for this, if I hadn't come home late every time I went out to the studio she wouldn't have left. If she doesn't make it I don't know what I'll do.

It didn't take long until we made it to the hospital and they forced me into the waiting room. They told me how close to death she was. Her heart was barely beating.

---------- few hours later---------

Your POV

My eyes fluttered open, to only see a blinding bright light. Instantly I knew where I was. The synthetic plastic smell of a hospital invaded my senses. Slowly I sat up, my head spun and I nearly fell back. I'm still alive.

I looked over to the side of the bed and my heart stopped, Ricky sat on the chair next to my bed, his head in his hands, his leg bouncing up and down, a nervous habit of his.

"Ricky...." I whispered, not feeling like I could get anything else out but a whisper. His head snapped up and his eyes widened.
"Baby!" He cried and quickly stood up, sitting down on my bed now "I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry." He cried taking my hand in his, the tears quickly streaming down his face "I thought you were gone... I thought you died"

What he said absolutely broke my heart, and I knew I'd hurt him beyond any other time I have.

"Im sorry... Im sorry I left you, this wouldn't have happened if I didn't leave" I whisper looking down.
"I'm just happy you're ok. I want you back.... I promise you I won't leave you alone at home all the time, you can come to the studio with me."
I nodded
"Ok... Do you forgive me?"
"Yes baby I do" he said and climbed into the bed next to me, carefully pulling me into his arms. I buried my face in his neck, taking in his scent. His strong arms around me always made everything better. I truly do love him... More than anyone I ever have.

(Now we are at 117 reads!!! I'm honestly surprised because I'm a really shitty writer. But thank you so much for reading! I have no requests, someone please request lol.

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