I grabbed his hands, allowing my soothing thoughts to roll into his mind, and after several moments Aro's rage cooled. I stared into the fireplace. "I know you don't like it, Aro. But I can't be responsible for my dad's death, too."

"You were three, mia cara. Your mother's death was not your fault." I wanted to object, but admittedly he had a point. There was little I could have done.

"Please, Aro, don't kill him," I said softly.

"I promise I won't," he relented, though he clearly wasn't pleased about it. "Though I doubt Caius and Marcus will be quite as forgiving."

I let out a sigh. "I can deal with them. I was able to convince Caius to let me stay after Victoria, and my dad is much less of a threat."

"Don't remind me of the incident with Victoria," he said, and I could feel the growl of displeasure that rolled through his chest.

I shook my head, knowing that none of the kings would be truly satisfied until I was safe within the walls of Volterra. "And you believed Alice to be infallible."

"They left you alone-"

"I was with Caius," I interrupted. "You act as if he, of all people, would allow anyone to live after even thinking about touching me."

"A fair point," Aro groused, but I could tell he was still troubled by it.

"Let's play chess," I said, decisively changing the subject. "And I guess you know that I know that you're letting me win?"

"I thought I was being subtle," Aro said, a smile curling up his lips.

"Clearly not," I quipped, also grinning as we took a seat across from one another, chess board between us. "So should I call checkmate now or wait three moves?"

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝕍 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

"So you were sick, huh?" Bella questioned when she first saw me Wednesday morning.

"Slept in. Carlisle is the best," I said with a grin, bumping my shoulder with hers in greeting as my arms were currently loaded down with books. "Nightmares, you know."

She grimaced. "Boy, do I. Edward said you finally showed Aro everything."

"There really is no privacy with him around," I grumbled. "I should have Carlisle call a meeting so he can lecture Edward on that."

"Please don't," Edward said, materializing by Bella's side as if he had been summoned. "I thought you wouldn't mind if I told her."

"It's fine, Ed," I said, tipping my books into his arms instead. "Here, hold these."

He didn't have much of a choice, but he nodded anyway. "Sure."

"Thanks. Don't tell Jasper, but you're my favorite."

"That's hurtful," Jasper drawled, amusement on his face as he walked up with Alice.

"It's nothing personal, Jazz. It's just Edward carries my books, and you don't."

"That's the qualification for being your favorite? Give me those, Edward," Jasper said, smiling.

"Nah," Edward said, easily dodging Jasper's attempt to take them. "I like being the favorite."

"Rowan! Hey!" Mike Newton showed up then, interrupting the conversation, though Jasper continued to half-heartedly attempt to steal my books from Edward. "Can I talk to you?"

I shrugged, sharing a look with Bella. "Sure, I guess. What's up?"

His words came out in a rush once we had separated slightly from the group - though I knew it wasn't enough for my siblings not to hear. "Uh, look, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime. Like a date sort of situation, you know?"

Tenebrous ↠ Volturi Kings {1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now