Chapter Seventy Five.

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The best part about Harry's breakdown was feeling somewhat put back together again after the tears dried. His cracks were still visible, but with being given the little bit of love he so desperately needed, he was no longer the pile of loose pieces that once made up his old self scattered across the floor. It gave him the strength to rebuild, even with the pounding headache and the drowsy eyes he'd been left with. Still chipped and not anywhere close to shiny and new, but he felt... better.

Not once was he berated for his failures, not once was it even brought up. Not once did his mother jab at him, and when dad returned home he wasn't yelled at for disappearing. He'd known since the moment Harry stormed out the door that he wasn't going to be okay, and he was held in another pair of loving arms. With feeling like his parents weren't looking down on him like he assumed they would, it allowed him feel a little less down on himself. Still disappointed for personal reasons, but not being viewed as a dunce did help.

Laying in bed watching a movie with mom's finger's combing through his hair was almost equally as nice.

When Monday rolled around after a weekend of healing and Aubry turned up with a blueberry banana smoothie at lunch, he did nothing more than stare at it while she held it out for him to take. Hidden away in the back of the library to study for finals, away from the loud crowd in the cafeteria, she'd found him in the same spot he always disappeared to with the treat she'd ditched school for and came back with specifically for him in hand.

When he refused to take it, the cup was placed on the table in front of him instead. He stared at it more. "This supposed to be some sort of peace offering?"


"I moved on," he dismissed. "Kiwi strawberry is my favorite now."

"Harry," Aubry plead, voice tired. "I said I'm sorry, please forgive me."

He simply shook his head and returned his attention back to his studies, brushing her off without a word.

Had she not been trying to prove a point, she would've stomped her foot in frustration like a child. "I will go back and get you a kiwi strawberry smoothie, just forgive me." He paid no mind. "I even said please."

"Aubry, using your manners doesn't get you far when you have the maturity level of a five year old," he muttered, never once taking his eyes off the words on his page. His brain couldn't comprehend a single letter.

"I know." She sighed sadly, "But I miss you and I'm sorry."

"Okay," Harry breathed. "You're sorry."

Aubry's eyes grazed over the side of his face, his confirmation leaving her slightly confused when he didn't bother to look her way or even say another thing more. "You forgive me?"

"No." Harry glanced up from his book, "I acknowledge your apology, but I kindly decline. I told you my side already, I'm not playing your game."

"No game, just talk to me," she begged. "Nothing other than being friends."

"I told you, I can't even be mad at you the right way. I can't be friends with you."

"Just," she scooped the cup off the table and shoved it in front of his face, "take the stupid smoothie."

He leaned far away from the treat as if it were poisonous. "I don't want it."

"Take it. No ulterior motives, doesn't mean you have to forgive me, just take it."


"Please," she begged. "Take it so I know you don't hate me." Harry still refused, and she gave up a second time by setting the smoothie down on the table once again. She didn't know why, but she sort of felt like she could cry. Maybe it was hormones, or more likely it was because she was desperate for forgiveness. "What can I do to fix it?"

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