He doesn't. Maybe he realizes it's useless.

"You're afraid of yourself, aren't you?" I say.

He looks at me without saying anything.

"You're right, I don't give a damn about JungKook." He says. "But I wish I did, I really wish I did."

"Why?" I ask.

He turns his head to look at me. I see his eyes sparkling like he was debating over whether he should tell me or not.

Tell me.

"Because I'm selfish and I can't stop myself if there's no obstacle in the way."

"JungKook is an obstacle, you bastard." I say.

"Not one that my mind perceives." He shrugs.

"Yeah sure, that's why you stopped when we were about to kiss that night..."

"What are you trying to prove, kiddo?"

"I am trying to prove that..."

I stop. What am I trying to prove?

That he's in love with me and the only thing which stops him from having me right now is JungKook, despite his words. That he's a liar.

That's what I'm trying to prove, even though he wants to brain wash me so I forget about it by calling me kiddo because he knows so damn well he had the guts to call me that back when we placed the bet and he such a great confidence in himself that he's going to win.

Well crap, he's winning and I hope he's happy about that. But this isn't ending here.

"...That you're a liar." I finish my sentence.

"Oh, says the one who didn't want to admit she almost cheated on her boyfriend." Jimin says ironically.

"Like it wouldn't be the same for you." I roll my eyes.

"Actually... I think my girlfriend knows about that, because you know, I trust her enough to tell her such thing..."

"You're lying." I say, but this time not so sure.

Although... It would make sense... Why Seulgi told me those things earlier today...

"JungKook surely didn't know about it so if you're trying to come up with a witty remark, drop it."

"What do you want from me?" I ask irritated.

"I want you to stop acting like you'd own the game." He says, taking steps towards me and for a second, I think I see madness in his eyes. "Like you'd own me, like you'd own everybody around you. You don't and you know that but you're terrified that you're small and vulnerable so you try to cover it up by acting like somebody you're not."

"Do you think it's easy for me?" I ask, full of rage already. "You just assume I'm playing around but do you know why I am so small and vulnerable like you say? Do you know why I am afraid? No! You have no idea and I'm tired of you pretending you know me and trying to make me feel dumb because of-..."

"I'm not trying to make you feel dumb, I'm just stating the truth, Yuna." He interrupts me. "And can you please stop playing that oh-I'm-such-a-mysterious-girl-nobody-knows-the-real-me role, please? It's getting annoying."

Playing that oh-I'm-such-a-mysterious-girl-nobody-knows-the-real-me role.

Is that what it is to him? A game?

As if it wouldn't be for you.

I stop for a second, feeling tears forming in my eyes. At the same time, he frowns confused, probably realizing what he's just said. It's too late, it's already done.

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