Twenty Seven.

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Tony's P.O.V

I woke up the sun shining through the curtains, the room was spinning and I could hear heavy breathing beside my ear almost like someone was snoring. I rubbed my eyes a few times and realized I wasn't in my dorm room. I looked at the man that was holding me close, red hair, slight freckles, tall, strong, handsome, was it Max. I grab my phone feeling as there were flashbacks to last night, the loud music blasting and the next thing I knew I was in bed with Max having the time of my life. I lifted up Max's arms watching him turn over as I searched the room for my clothes that seemed to scattered around the house. I first slip on my underwear, then my bra, then I found my dress in the kitchen and my shoes on the front porch with my purse. I placed my phone into my clutch after zipping up the side of my dress. I grab my keys and wobble over to my car feeling as though I was soon going to throw up.

Lexi: Hey you never came home last night Ken is worried sick

Lexi: You're scaring me Tony where are you?

Lexi: Tony!!

The panic in her texts scared me. I typed in a reply going slowly as the letters glitched making me dizzier.

Me: I'm just fine I'm heading back now, stayed at Nicole's.

"Good one." I whispered to myself.

Lexi: Well Tyler, Ken, and I are going to the beach hope you can get back in time.

Me: Yeah I'm about five minutes away.

I pulled into the parking lot giving myself enough time to get rid of my smudged makeup and throwing my hair up into a messy bun. Luckily I had a spare set of sweatpants and a t-shirt to change into.

"It took you long enough, I was worried sick," Ken said jogging over to me pulling me into a tight hug. I could see it written all over Lexi's face that she wasn't playing into this like she knew something was up. "Okay hurry to get ready we want to leave." I walked into the bedroom and Lexi followed shortly behind.

"Here get the car set up." I could hear Lexi outside the bedroom door. The door creaked open making me jump at the unsettling sound. "Little jumpy huh?" Lexi asked throwing a makeup wipe at me. "I'll be out with the guys don't take to long.

Every day that week we went to the beach before heading back home. It was a Saturday morning around five, I sprung from my bed clutching onto my face trying to not throw up everywhere. When I make it to the bathroom I feel this weird rush through my body. I slide on my flip-flops, grab a few bucks from Lexi's purse, My phone, Lexi's keys and drive to the local drug store. A pregnancy test I repeated in my head. The wait was giving me anxiety throwing me for a loop, I heard the bell chiming over and over again, yet no one was coming or going.  I grabbed the box threw exact change on the counter and ran out feeling the filth and feeling as if I was constantly being watched gave me an odd feeling. I couldn't go back to the dorm or everyone would see me because I know early risers we all have been lately so I go into the bathroom on the side of the building, I hold the stick in my hands and pray that it comes out negative, I can't be dealing with this at the moment.

"Positive," I said coldly feeling as goose bumps built upon my skin leaving me there cold. I looked at the two pinks lines as the crossed each other feeling this weight lift off my shoulders because I now know but feeling the dread build inside me as now how do I tell Lexi I'm carrying her brother's kid.


I walked Max's driveway feeling as if I was going to throw up at the sight of him. I knocked on the door lightly three times hearing as the floorboards creaked and shifted as someone moved throughout the house.

"Hey, you." Max pulled the door open with a large smile plastered on his face, "though I would never see you again." He said stepping aside letting me into the overly familiar house. "What's up?" He said as he returned back to cooking food.

"Well, I came here to talk to you about something." I slightly shivered at my words and remembering last week as it replayed it in my head.

"Ya please sit." His voice was sharp and concerning. "What do you want to talk about?" His eye contact was nonexistent and it made this harder for me.

"I'm pregnant," I said softly biting down on my lip. Max's eyes lit up like fireworks getting up instantly running over to pull me up into a hug.

"I'll support you one hundred percent of the way." A huge smile was plastered to his face. We started to sway back and forth, he really made me feel less worthless. "So what's the plan, I know you have the money, your mom is in this completely right?" He just started to come at me with all this nonsense that I just couldn't handle at the moment.

"Okay let's start simple, I move in, I finish college while you stay here with the baby in the morning and take night shifts at a job and I'll ask my mom for money if we truly need it," I said holding his hands right in front of him looking deep into his eyes. He nodded his head and picked me up spinning me around.


"I'm moving out," I announced holding onto Max's hand with Tyler, Lexi, and my mother all sitting on the couch.

"With that mess up to help take care of your baby, good luck I give you ten minutes, thirty tops," Lexi said getting up walking out of the living room.

"I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do," Tyler added crossing his arms as he sat back on the couch giving Max and I both disapproving looks.

"I'm going to finish college and get good paying jobs," I argued trying to get everyone on the same page.

"Honey I'm sorry, but like your mother, I'm supposed to support you and I guess I do but since none of us fully agree you have to take it up with your father." My mom hit the nail right on the head.

"I'm sorry I'm such a screw-up," I yelled. "I'm sorry I can't have a three year relationship like Lexi and Tyler, I'm sorry I didn't stay with Matt or Ken I'm sorry that I screwed up everything but what I don't understand is how Lexi, you're supposed to be my best friend I was chill with you being with Tyler yet I get with your brother and you hate me." I was frustrated, I gave them my full blessing to be together.

"You're telling me you allowed us to date, I'm sorry but I can speak on behalf of your brother but he is his own god damn person if he wants to be with me so be it, if you want to be with my brother then so be it, but I don't want him around me or your family." She snapped back. "Just because you're pregnant and all this screaming can stress you out and make you have a miscarriage I think we need to set your damn head straight before you make a stupid mistake Tony." She added making me sob. I stormed away feeling as if my family betrayed me. I could hear Lexi still worked up from the other side of the front door, out of all the people I knew she was going to impossible to talk to.

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