Twenty Five.

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I lay my blanket down on the hot sand that was then wedged between my toes. The sound of the waves crashing and the sun beating down on my skin. My fiance standing out in front of me talking and laughing with his friend. It was great that summer had just started, everyone took and passed their finals and now it was our time. I looked over at Tony who was laying on her back still in Ken's white t-shirt.

"Babe I'm going to the water," Tyler said as he stood over blocking the sunlight. I looked up from Tony towards him and lifted my sunglasses to get a better look at his body. His swim shorts hung low on his waist showing his v-line. His abs were chiseled like usual with his soft tan skin that glistened in the sun. I nodded my head and turned my attention back towards Tony.

"Hey you, everything okay you've been quiet all day and you also hasn't talked to me like all week." I poked Tony with my flip-flop hoping she would answer me.

"Yeah sorry just got a lot going on." She mumbled. She sat up crossing her legs, giving me her complete attention. "There's something I wanted to tell you, but there's never a good time to tell you." I reached for a water in the cooler and looked back at her.

"Alright, Tony tell me what's going on." I got comfy in the sand and looked at her.

"Lex, I... I'm pregnant." Tony just came right out with it. My jaw dropped I was actually so happy for her, I pulled her into a hug.

"Have you told Ken?" I asked.

"Well that's the problem, it's not his." My smile slowly faded.

"What's not whose," Tyler asked as he collapsed onto my lap. I looked at him and laughed as his weight crushed me.

"Nothing," Tony said simply.  I pulled out my phone and proceeded to take pictures and videos of Tyler.

"You want to go for a walk?" Tyler looked into my eyes and smiled I nodded my head and stood up. I grab Tyler's hand looking at Tony and pointing at Ken indicating that she needs to talk to him. Tyler and I quickly made it to the water and we walked through the water just being in each others presence was enough for us. I looked around at the kids that were running around or kids playing in the sand. One kid kicked his soccer ball towards me, I let go of Tyler's hand and did a few tricks before passing it back to one of the kids. "So what's up with you and Tony?" Tyler asked whilst grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together. I looked up at Tyler who was studying our feet.

"Tony's pregnant." I just came out with it no hesitation. He's my fiance and that's his sister I can't keep that from him. Tyler stopped playing with my engagement ring on my finger and stopped to look at me.

"You're not bull shittin me right?" He was shaken up, we're college students how were the four of us supposed to deal.

"No, and also it's not Ken's," I said looking at my feet because I was scared to see what Tyler would do next. Tyler placed his finger under my chin and lifted my head to look at him.

"Lexi, I'm not mad and I won't be. Before you ask yes, I'll keep it between us until she tells me but I need to know who the father is." Tyler said his voice was soft and he was shaking either he was cold or bothered by everything. We continued to walk and talk about how we were excited to see his parents and tell them about the proposal, then we talked about the wedding and how we wanted it to be small not many people just family mostly. 


"Mom we're home!" Tyler yelled when he opened the door. I could smell so many different things, like cookies and actual food like meatballs.

"In the kitchen, I made everyone's favorite!" I looked at Tony and Tyler.

"Meatball subs!" We yelled in unison. We dropped our bags on the floor and left Ken standing there. I hugged Mrs. Hopkins as Tony and Tyler proceeded to shove food into their faces.

"Mrs. Hopkins," I said looking at Tyler. He gave me a funny face before realizing what I was doing.

"Call me Jill."

"Alright well, Jill, Tyler and I have some news." I stick my left hand out to her and she looks at the large diamond resting on my ring finger. Instant tears formed in her eyes.

"Oh, my congrats." She tried to hide her emotions but we all knew how she was feeling. "When?" She asked simply.

"About a month ago. Believe me, I wanted to tell you earlier but Lexi wanted to do it in person." Tyler said nudging me. I couldn't help but cry because my future mother law was crying. I watched over my shoulder as Ken finally made his way into the kitchen, this was probably something that Tony was keeping from him. I know telling people you're filthy rich isn't fun. "Alright, you need to eat," Tyler said grabbing me a plate. He put together some food for me while his mother and I continued to talk about school and things.

"Alexis Hopkins, think about it," I said looking over at Tyler. He smiled widely and placed his wet lips on my face making a disgusting sound. 

"Ugh, Tyler!" I yelled as he walked out of the kitchen.Moments later Tyler, Ken and Jill filed out of the room to either work or help get thing situated in the house. Tony and I were left in the kitchen alone. I looked over at her as she was now onto her third sandwich.

"Whose is it?" I asked as I stood from the stool. I didn't make eye contact with her, I was disappointed in her action.


"Tony you know exactly what I'm talking about, whose baby is that." I lowered my voice when I said, baby.

"Lex calm down." Tony was serious and stern with her answers like she was hiding something from me.

"Was is Max or Matt because they seem to be the recurring theme in your sex life," I said still not looking at her. I started to clean up everything in the kitchen, something I do when I'm in distress.

"Lexi let me explain."

"I've been waiting Tony, I've been waiting since the day we had become friends for you explain. Explain to me what went through your head when you found out you were pregnant and it wasn't Ken's." I looked over at the kitchen door and Ken stood there, he fixed his glasses, lowered his posture and looked from me to Tony.

"I wanted to come here to say Tyler and I are going out." Ken turned around and didn't say anything else. I looked at Tony who sat there doing absolutely nothing besides eat.

"That's not my problem." She said. I looked at her and grunted. At this point, steam was coming out of my ears. I looked at Tony and stormed out of the room. I caught up to Tyler and Ken before they could leave.

"Listen Ken don't do this let me talk to you about it," I said grabbing his arm before he got in the car.

"Lexi I'm not her problem didn't you here. I obviously wasn't the only person on her mind or in her pants so let's just get this straight I'm leaving. Tyler is taking me back to the dorms, I'll see you in the fall." Ken pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead and somehow escaped my embrace. I wove to them before walking back into the house.

"Lexi," Tony called from the kitchen, she sounded weak and upset.

"Honestly Tony how stupid could you be. Going off and sleeping with my brother and letting Ken go," Tony reached out for my hands. "No you disgust me, don't touch me." I backed away quickly and walked out to the pool. I placed my feet into the lukewarm water and splashed it creating ripples in the water. Buried my face into my hands and sobbed uncontrollably, summer just got a whole lot more interesting.

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