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Since prom was this Friday, that's all everyone could talk about. I got to school that morning and the hallway was full of students. The doors slammed closed, everyone looked at me and backed out of my way giving me space to walk through. Everyone was staring at me and some were whispering to a group of friends. I walked over to my locker and there was a note. I pulled it off my locker and turned around. Everyone went back to what they were doing. I slowly opened the note, hands grabbed my waist and I jumped. I turned around, it was Tyler.

"Hey what's that, a love note?" He said reaching out. I snapped my hand back so he couldn't grab it. He gave me a face. Why was I keeping this from Tyler?

"It's just my homework it fell out of my locker don't worry." I lied as I continued putting my stuff in my locker. I grabbed what I needed and pushed by Tyler just leaving him there, I could feel him looking at me as I walked off. I walked into the unisex bathroom and slowly opened the note.

Dear Lexi
I hope this comes to no surprise or shock but i'm anonymous. I just wanted to let you know that i'm a fellow friend and I don't want to see you go to prom with Tyler and if you do, I will do the impossible. So yes i'm making you my bitch. Have a nice day beautiful.

This note made me become really hot, I couldn't breathe. I can't tell Tyler, but I cant blow him off on prom night. I splashed cold water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I grabbed a paper towel, cleaned my face, I threw my hood onto my head and walked to second period. As I was walking I saw Tyler with some friends so I put my head down and walked really fast.

"Ouch." Tyler said bumping into me.

"Sorry." I said in an innocent voice.

"Just watch were you're going shorty." Tyler said moving me out of the way. He caught up to his friends and started talking again. At least he didn't know it was me. I couldn't bare to go back to class so I walked to my locker grabbed my stuff and got into my car. It was to hard facing everyone. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I drove home. I was so scared of what was going to happen. I turned off my car I walked into the lobby waving hello to the women behind the counter. I rode the elevator to the top floor and before I unlocked the door there was another note. I ripped it off the door and unlocked it rushing inside. I shut the door and locked it behind me.

Hey beautiful, so you got my note at school. I watched you push Tyler away. Good don't tell him about me. Now look at your phone.

I looked over at my phone it started to ring. It was from and unknown number. I felt like I was Betty from Riverdale. I answered the phone.

"Hello." My voice was shaky, I couldn't stand still. I walked out onto the balcony and saw Tyler driving into the parking lot. I ran the to stairs and ran down to a platform.

"Lexi you can't keep running from him. You should tell him before I do." The voice was weird it was a mixture between deep and soft. I could tell it was a male. I've heard this voice before.

"Please don't do this to me. If I did something to you I'm sorry just please leave Tyler out of it." I dropped to the floor.

"I like to hear you beg. Tell Tyler you found a better date or I will." He kept insisting. He hung up. I stood up and started to walk upstairs. I opened the door and walked over to my door. I opened it and I saw Tyler standing out on the balcony. I saw the note sitting on the floor. I stepped out behind Tyler and walked under is outstretched arms.

"Is this what you were trying to hide from me? Is this why you missed the first period? Or is this why you were slouched in the hallway when you bumped into me?" Tyler said sounding mad.

"Tyler let me explain. Can we please go inside it's cold." I said turning around looking him in the eyes. I bit my bottom lip and started to rub the bridge of my nose. I was so nervous. So I closed everything and locked it and I put Tyler's and my phone in the weird place, the fridge.

"Was that necessary?" Tyler said getting comfy on the couch. I stood in front of the TV because I couldn't sit still. I pulled the first note out of my pocket and grabbed the second one off the floor.

"Ok when I walked into school today I was getting weird stares and I saw this note taped to my locker." I handed Tyler the note and watched him read it. His expression changed in the matter of seconds. "And when I got home from school this person called me. Their voice was deep but soft, they sounded familiar." I kept pacing back and forth, I couldn't quite wrap my mind around all of this.

"Lexi I think the smartest thing to do is not go to prom together. You should go and have fun." Tyler said standing up. I looked at him concerning.

"Tyler no that's not right, we need to make a plan." I spoke softly loosing my voice. Tyler walked out to the kitchen with our phones and looked at me.

"Lets not talk about it." He said dropping his voice low. I grabbed the closest blanket and threw it over my legs and Tylers as I turned on the TV. I grabbed the pillow on the floor and put it in his lap and laid down. He helped out with the blanket trying to put it on me. He ran his fingers through my hair until I slowly drifted off to sleep. 


I instantly woke up and looked at my phone. It was 3am. I could feel something heavy weighed across my body. I moved the blanket and it was Tyler's arm. I moved his arm and walked to the bathroom. The hallway was dark, I couldn't see a single thing. I walked back to my room and saw a light from the living room. I walked over to the couch and saw Tyler dead asleep. I run back into my room and the person is gone. I felt a breath on the back of my neck. I slowly turned around and this dark figure stood over me.

"Tyler?" I said aloud.

"Think again." the voice was again deep but soft. He grabbed my wrist and covered my mouth. He pulled me out of my apartment leaving Tyler there to sleep. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me down the back stairs and threw me into the back of a sound proof van. This man was smart but not as smart as me. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and turned on the flash light. I moved towards the back of the van and pulled the lever to the back of the door, it wouldn't budge. I took apart my case and slid the case through the slit like a credit card and the doors busted open. Dirt was flying everywhere, we were going pretty fast. I put my case back on my phone and jumped out the back and tucked and rolled. I stood up with cuts and a broken leg and elbow, but I had to keep going I couldn't let this guy get away with this. I opened my phone and dialed 911 and ducked into the woods.

"911 what's the emergency?" The women's voice came on my phone. I started to feel a little safer.

"I was kidnapped, I jumped out the back of the truck and broke my elbow and leg please send an ambulance and police to my location, I don't know where I am." I said my voice became shaky and tears formed in my eyes. "I ducked into the woods, what should I do so he doesn't come back?" I questioned trying to get out of here as fast as possible.

"The police and ambulance should be in your location any minute. Please just hold tight." The woman said. I could hear sirens. I limped out of the woods and saw the ambulance. I collapsed on the ground. the last thing I could remember was 2 men putting me on a stretcher and putting me in the back of the ambulance.

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